I’m a Flirting Bully
I’m not going to lie, I’ve been known to pick up my fair share of gentlemen in bars. I’m not a slore ( a slut-whore) so there has got to be some skill on...
I’m not going to lie, I’ve been known to pick up my fair share of gentlemen in bars. I’m not a slore ( a slut-whore) so there has got to be some skill on...
Think back to some of the most important times of your life… you’ve most likely experienced them with friends. Most of us has a BFF who’s been there for us through good and bad....
Spring has officially sprung, which means it’s that time of year again – it seems like every woman I’ve talked to lately has just started or is about to go on a diet (on...
Remember the last time someone in your organization HOOKED YOU UP and you thought, “Wow, that person really went above and beyond for me. How cool of them.” You said “Thanks” and that was it? ...
Every girl dreams of walking down the aisle to meet her prince charming, the thing is, we don’t realize at 10 years old what planning goes into making it all happen! We envision our...
When I was much younger, I was sort of bullied. I say “sort of” because there was no physical harm done and there was nothing I would consider verbal abuse. Being a darker-skinned person...
They are fabulously well-paid, fabulously educated, and fabulously well-dressed. After spending years at Harvard or in an online finance degree program, they are the modern day financial geniuses and bankers, the powerhouses of American...
I’ve been waiting until this sweet day where I can speak about my second favorite passion aside from business and that is FASHION. Why now, you ask? Over the past week, I have had...
As I’ve mentioned previously, I live with boys. Somehow, it’s never been an issue of concern with parents, family, or other parties. But when the idea of living with a significant other was posed...
Ever heard of free money? Of course not, it doesn’t exist. In my world however, it did. This ‘free money’ came in the form of a cute little card that fit neatly in my...