A Journey of a Thousand Miles
“A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with A Single Step” – Laozi I have a confession to make. It’s a pretty big, personal confession, and I’m scared to confess it. I’ve denied it for...
“A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with A Single Step” – Laozi I have a confession to make. It’s a pretty big, personal confession, and I’m scared to confess it. I’ve denied it for...
It’s so freakin’ EASY to blame our bosses. “Yeah, I didn’t get the promotion. My boss is such a $%*.” “Well, I would have gone on that trip for the conference if my boss...
I’ve been in need of contacts for a long time. And by a long time, I mean that I’ve probably been needing them for the last 5 years. Oops. Has anyone else out there...
My cousin has three kids. The middle child has been whining about life being unfair since he was three years old. He turned eight last week and decided to run away with a lunch...
I can’t help but notice every time I look around it seems that EVERYONE is plugged in. Plugged into an iPhone, checking email, watching a video, playing Words With Friends. It’s as if NO...
People like “stuff.” We tend to hold onto it year after year. We save and stock up on things that we don’t know what to do with anymore. Maybe we keep things because they...
I’m picky. I admit it. I’m picky about everything – friends, hair, jewelry, and boys; and yes, I am picky about employment – even in this employer’s market. Now that I work in two...
Please don’t tell me… don’t tell me you have been sucked into robot mode at your job. No excitement, only routine, and you show up everyday just to “pay the bills.” Nooooo! You are...
Guy friends are the best. We all know that. No need to be high-strung, little concern on impressing them, and it is totally casual. And fart jokes are normally totally cool. Now living in...
The old family dynamic by which men would hold jobs while women ran households has been fading into history for some time now, and in recent years it has essentially been eliminated as an...