After The Barre: My Post- Barre Bee Fit Experience
Before reading today’s post be sure to read part 1, “Before the Barre: My Pre- Barre Bee Fit Experience.” I ended my last post with, “confidence is a funny thing, not enough and you think...
Before reading today’s post be sure to read part 1, “Before the Barre: My Pre- Barre Bee Fit Experience.” I ended my last post with, “confidence is a funny thing, not enough and you think...
Hi All, My name is Kovie and I guarantee that 87% of you reading this probably just pronounced my name wrong. But that’s okay, I’m not writing about how to pronounce my name. Today,...
Thanks to our very own, Kovie Biakolo, for having the guts try out this week’s #MCGConnect chat sponsor- Barre Bee Fit! Kovie is much more equipped for this type of… er, testing… than I...
A big welcome to Melody Kiella! This is Melody’s first guest post on! Recently I made a job change that required me to reevaluate my career goals, step out of my comfort zone,...
What resolutions should you be making in the new year? When the calendar flipped to 2012, it ushered in a new year of potential and possibilities. As a job seeker looking to take the...
I worked for a content marketing agency that convinced its clients that the buying cycle has changed. It was there that I realized — there’s a lot that recent graduates can learn from content...
I’m a big fan of goal setting, vision boards, the law of attraction and taking focused actions in order to get where I want to be. These things have worked wonders for me. It’s...
I hit up Twitter on my 6:30AM train out to the burbs this morning and saw that #Rewind2011 was a trending topic. So naturally I thought back to what had happened to me in...
I meet people all the time who hate their job but rather than help them wallow in their misery, I try and help them see the possibilities. What do you want to do instead? What’s...
If you ask most people if they value customer service, they are certain to say yes. While quality, affordability and marketing affect the reasons why we buy, and why we choose one service over...