Change Your Attitude, Be a Star in the Office
There are many ways of being a star in your office, but one thing that I really struggled with is attitude. I don’t have a problem doing menial labor, even getting my boss lunch…in...
There are many ways of being a star in your office, but one thing that I really struggled with is attitude. I don’t have a problem doing menial labor, even getting my boss lunch…in...
If you make your to-do lists like most people, they probably consist of some low-tech, old-school items like lined paper and a pen. Don’t be ashamed; many people still make all of their to-do...
“Give a man a fish; and you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime”. -Unknown We have all heard this proverb and have...
I just finished Seth Godin’s book, “The Dip” and for those of you who read this blog often, you’ll be hearing a lot about it. This book has single handedly changed my perspective of...
What makes marketing financial institutions very different today than ten years ago? Trust. Ten years ago, trust was assumed. The stock market was booming,successful dot-coms were popping up everywhere and jobs were plentiful. But...
It’s clear that I’m one of the many Gen Y women who want it all: a great career, financial independence and, eventually, few adorable munchkins of my own. If you read my post about...
I’ve been in a fight with my anxiety for a long time now. I first started noticing it in high school when I was busting ass to get into the top 25% of my...
It’s a common frustration. You thought the interview went well. You talked a lot. They nodded. Your resume rocked. They put it in a folder. So, why aren’t they calling back??? Maybe it’s not the resume...
By, Anne Brown & Thom Singer, co-authors of Some Assembly Required: A Networking Guide for Graduates Networking is not a simple game of connect-the-dots between whom you know and whom others know. Using...
Today I had the chance to chat with the author of one of my favorite career books for college students and graduating seniors. Katharine Brooks is the author of “You Majored in What?!” and...