Category: Self

What and When is #JobHuntChat?

What #JobHuntChat is Twitter’s best (and possibly only) chat dedicated to answering job seekers’ real questions. The chat questions are submitted by YOU, not made up.  Your questions will be answered during #JobHuntChat by other job seekers, bloggers, resume...

What Would You do with a Million Dollars?

Welcome to Ms. Career Girl’s shortest blog post ever.  I had some really interesting conversations this weekend that really got me thinking. I’m sure you’ll hear more about these soon.  Here’s one fragment for you...

The Eight Irrestible Principles of Fun

Take 5 minutes to watch the awesome video below, made by (@boxofcrayons). I promise it will rejuvenate your mind and your attitude. In Review, The Eight Irresistible Principles of Fun: 1. Get Focused:...