Category: Self

Healthy Holidays and How To Have ‘Em

By, Michelle Pfeninnghaus It’s like a scene from a movie: Snow gently falling, family and friends gather joyfully to sing songs and exchange good wishes. There’s good food, good fun, and – Wait a...

Mid-Month Update

By, Nicole Crimaldi It has been 14 days since I have last sinned. And WOW this is more fun than I thought it would be! Mostly because I haven’t had to deal with buyers...

Shop Your Closet!

By, Nicole Crimaldi In preparation for my spending boycott in the month of October, I summoned the absolutely fabulous Whitney Middleton of to come throw a party in my closet. I started a...

First comes “Why,” Then Comes “How”

By, Nicole Crimaldi It seems that there are thousands of books written about how to properly manage one’s personal finances. These books and experts preach about how much of your income you should be...

I Love Living Debt Free!

By, Melissa Alvarez Since I can remember, I have never been a person who liked owing money to anyone. However, I learned a good lesson in college about owning a credit card.The only debt...

Debt-Free Doesn’t Equal Deprivation

By, Nicole Crimaldi The title of this post is a wild concept to me, but after g-chatting with a dear friend of mine the other day, I know it’s true. My best friend (who...