Category: Self

Does Fat Make You Fat?

By, Michelle Pfennighaus Imagine it. You’re watching Friends on prime time and wearing Doc Martins, Snapple iced tea in hand. In front of you is a box of fat free Snackwell’s cookies. Ah, the...

Eat Your Sunshine!

By, Michelle Pfennighaus, RYT Do you know what the #1 vegetable in the American diet is? Potatoes. That’s right. And how do we most often eat potatoes? As french fries. You got it. No...

All Natural! Whole Grain! Buy Me, Please!

By, Michelle Pfennighaus No matter where you do your shopping, you’ve probably noticed all sorts of health related claims on food packaging. At a northeast supermarket chain called Stop & Shop they’ve even started...

Make Someone’s Day

On my morning run yesterday, I passed Chicago’s Anti-Cruelty Society. I happened to be wearing my pink baseball hat with a black lab on it (which marked me as either a totally cheesy and...

Bargain Shopper Version Anyone?

When checking in with my favorite blogs this morning on google reader, I came across this fun article called Personalities Decoded: Summer Dress Edition on the popular women’s blog  I liked the post because it...