Category: Job Search

not getting a job offer

How to Deal With Bad Job References

Maybe you’ve had this happen to you: you go on an interview for a job, and feel like the interview went great! Your interviewer asks for some job references and says they’ll be in...

job interview tips

5 Top Jobs for Working Moms

More mothers are working today than ever before. Seven in 10 mothers with children under 18 now work, including three in four who are employed full-time, according to data compiled by the Department of...

Don’t crash in your job, change it!

Have you ever noticed after those first few months (or perhaps even years) in a new job, you find yourself settling into a comfortable, relaxing pattern? While comfort in one’s job is a good...

career in nursing

How To Find A Good Nursing Position

Did you know that there are currently tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of vacancies in the world of nursing? Yes, there are tons of job opportunities out there in the field...