Category: Work

Digital Overwhelm

Have any of you ever suffered from digital overwhelm?  I know I have.  There are so many new gadgets, blog posts, online programs, videos and Facebook updates to keep track of that you feel...

Is it 5:00 yet?

With 3 short months of summer in Chicago, staying focused while the sun is shining is getting more difficult by the day!  I am trying REALLY hard to keep on task but sitting at...

How Much Is Your Independence Worth?

Hindsight is 20/20 and shoulda, coulda, wouldas aren’t fun, but I don’t believe people who say they have no regrets. I assume it just means that they didn’t realize they’ve made mistakes. I’ve made...

Keep Your Phone Going on the Go

The great thing about smartphones is that they can do a lot.  You can surf the net, watch movies, read books and the list goes on.  The bad thing about smartphones is that they...