Category: Work

Mind maps

The Benefits of Mind Maps for Small Businesses

When you hear the term “mind map” you might immediately think of highlighters and colored pens scattered around the floor of your high school bedroom. But did you know that mind maps can be...

med school

6 Benefits of Switching into a Nursing Career

It can be difficult to know what career you want to enter when you’re going through school. You might start down one career path and decide that’s it’s not right for you a few...

mobile internet

5 Reasons Why Internships are Important

Employers do not want half-baked students to work in their organizations. A graduate cannot be adequate in the job environment with proper training. So, you need to have some experience in a similar workplace...

massive career change systemic change

3 Ways to Decide on a Career Change in 2022

Have you tried multiple industries and job titles but haven’t found anything that fulfills you? Are you currently working side gigs to meet ends meet but not sure what your true calling is? Then...

the great resignation

Should You Quit Your Job?

Right about now, your inbox, your social feed, your local news, your parakeet are all squawking, “New Job, New You!” Spoiler alert: this ain’t that. Yet, every year about this time we’re all elbow-deep...