Category: Work

Stand Out from Other Applicants

10 Ways Job Searching Has Changed in 10 Years

Job searching has transformed since 2011; smart job seekers must adapt.  According to a recent Prudential study, 26% of American workers will be job hunting this year. As the economy begins to restabilize post-pandemic, a...

women in business

Finding Support for Women in Business & Leadership

According to a Harvard Business Review report, more women in leadership roles were rated by their peers, their bosses, their direct reports, and their other associates as better overall leaders than their male counterparts...

Tips for Reopening Your Office After COVID-19

Back in 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic forced many businesses across all industries to close their doors to stop the deadly virus’s spread. Many companies had to transition to a work-from-home business model, and employees...

Tips To Help Make Your Role As A Manager Easier

Working as a manager is something that isn’t possible for everyone to do. Not everyone is suitable for a managerial role because it takes certain skills but also a certain personality. If you’ve stepped...

real estate photography

Building Up Real Estate Photography Skills

As a photographer, your growth opportunities are endless. You can dive into different niches at any time and stretch your creative legs throughout your entire career. But, real estate photography requires some getting used...