Category: #SideHustle

Digital Overwhelm

Have any of you ever suffered from digital overwhelm?  I know I have.  There are so many new gadgets, blog posts, online programs, videos and Facebook updates to keep track of that you feel...

Keep Your Phone Going on the Go

The great thing about smartphones is that they can do a lot.  You can surf the net, watch movies, read books and the list goes on.  The bad thing about smartphones is that they...

Team iPhone?

I have officially joined the ranks of iPhone users.  That is a statement I never thought I would say, especially since I’ve been on Team Android for over three years.   Interestingly enough, I wanted...

What’s a Hotspot?

A while ago, my mom gave me a call to ask what provider I used for cable.  When I told her that I did not have cable or even a home phone line, she...

YOU unplugged.

I can’t help but notice every time I look around it seems that EVERYONE is plugged in.  Plugged into an iPhone, checking email, watching a video, playing Words With Friends.  It’s as if NO...