Claim The Seat At The Head Of The Table

Every individual working in a cubicle or office right now is dreaming of being at the head of the business one day. No one is sitting in their office right now, hoping that they will still be doing grunt work ten years from now. They want to succeed, they want to thrive and so should you. Of course, as we know, very few people actually make it to the point where they are at the head of the business. So if you have ambitions like this, you need to know how to get the seat at the head of the table. How do you go from office worker 234 to business owner of the year? Good question, we’ve got the answer.
Make Yourself Indispensable
The easier way to get to the head of the table is to rise through the ranks of one company. To do this, you have to make sure you’re not fired or let go when you’re halfway there. So, you have to make sure that you are completely indispensable in business. The trick to doing this is to make sure that you’re the best employee they have, always willing to go the extra mile. You need to show dedication and loyalty to the company and make sure that you are the one they turn to when they need something. Remember, it shouldn’t be that hard to do this because most employees treat their job as exactly that, a job. You need to treat yours as a lifestyle, putting it before other things and ensuring that you are seen to be both hardworking and diligent.
It’s also not a bad idea to try and get some personal time with the people higher up in your company. For instance, you can take part in social activities, if and when they arise. This is a great way to form connections and get the good word of support you need when you one day seek out the killer promotion.
Get Extra Training
In your spare time, you should be looking for ways to improve your resume, boosting your skills and experience. To do this, you should consider taking on new roles in the company when they arise. Or, even seeking out new qualifications you can gain online. MBA programs that are available online can help you gain business knowledge that will be valuable in real life situations. Again, this will make you a key asset in any business because you won’t just have the ambition, you’ll have the knowledge to back it up too.
Don’t Cause Trouble
Sick days, complaints and other things that cause issues for business owners and managers should all be avoided where possible. You need to make sure that you’re essentially showing the people higher up that the business matters to you. So, if it can be avoided, you shouldn’t really connect your name to problems. If you do take sick days, ensure that it is absolutely necessary. Don’t take a day off one day, simply because you don’t feel like going into work. Nor, should you bring up an issue you’re having at work through official channels if you can resolve it yourself. The last thing you need is to be labeled as a troublemaker.
If you take this advice, you’ll be able to rise through the ranks and stand out as a great employee who has the potential to one day help lead the company.