Competition Alert – Share your Most Memorable Student Story

For our career girls in Australia, here’s some exciting news!
What do you think about when you look back at your college days? If you have a story that’s particularly entertaining, you could win a new competition brought to you by course listings website NowLearning. Click on to get all the details! You’ll be competing for the grand prize of a $400 Amazon Gift Card. After the flurry of final exams and the pressures of starting up a new career, it’s fun to take a walk down memory lane to relive the magic moments that make up the college experience as a whole.
The university experience can be a mixed bag – it’s a time of firsts for many of us. You may have lived away from home for the first time, taken the first steps towards building a career, or even met your first true love. From wacky roommates to wild nights out, college is a treasure trove of stories to reminisce about. Dig deep into your memories to come up with a story that’s authentic, funny, sad, or shocking! You just may walk away a winner for sharing your true student stories with the world.
The deadline for submissions is September 8th, which gives you some time to relive your star student moments. In addition to the first prize of $400, the second place winner will get a $200 gift card while third place takes $100. So put on your student hat once more and start writing down your most entertaining stories of student life!
Brought to you by nowlearning.