Confidence: How to Have it at Work

Women make up half of the workforce in America and receive more college and graduate degrees than male counterparts. Yet per the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, women still only earn 80 cents for every dollar men earn, no matter the industry. Despite this disappointing statistic, it’s important for women to have high levels of confidence on the job to rise even higher and continue to shatter glass ceilings and pay walls.
Here are 5 ways to boost your confidence at work.
Look the Part
You don’t have to be decked out in a pantsuit to prove you’ve got what it takes. However, dressing for success can give you the confidence you need to ask for that raise, give the best department presentation, and pitch the best campaigns of your career. The goal is not to pretend to walk the runway but rather to keep true to your own personal style. Polishing up your closet, skincare, and hairstyle are all areas that you can focus on. If it makes you feel great and increases your confidence, do it.
Remember Your Roots
Let those that came before you fuel your confidence. Remember the hard-won battles that Susan B. Anthony, Amelia Earhart, Maya Angelou, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg faced, making it possible for modern women to thrive. Make your own list of women that inspire you and find your story in theirs. Reference that list whenever you feel doubt and realize that just like them, you too can be a trailblazer in your line of work.
Live in the Present
Self doubt can be the thief of joy and rob you of your confidence. So, beware of the voices creeping in and trying to cast a shadow of doubt over you. When they do, release the power of now. Author Eckhart Tolle’s theory encourages living in the present moment while shunning thoughts of the past and future. Staying focused on your tasks at work will yield results and give you a huge confidence boost.
Stay Professional – Always
If you take things that happen at your job too personally, you’ll have a rough time getting ahead. But just like you can control your emotions in gambling, you can harness all your good and bad energy at work. Don’t make a permanent decision for your temporary emotion. Take a breather and wait until situations diffuse. You’ll come off as a more respected professional.
Take Time to Reflect
Knowledge is power and at work this knowledge can come from taking the time to self-reflect. When you finish a project, take the time to evaluate what was done efficiently, what could be done differently, and how others are performing similar tasks. It takes as much confidence to recognize errors as it does to execute a new plan. Don’t be afraid to mull over your work.
Following these tips can prove to be a professional game changer for you. Do what is within your liking to boost that confidence and you may just boost your career path in the process.