Cutting Down on Clutter: Help Your Wellbeing

Numerous scientific articles and books have been coming out lately with regards to clutter and its effect on our mental well being. Clearly, the presence of an excess of “stuff” creates an almost claustrophobic sensation within our minds. This ups our stress levels because we sense it the same in the same way that we might a massive to-do list; it becomes a little bit daunting.
Having less clutter among our surroundings provides us with a feeling of order and control that eases our minds and quells stress. While this may all be easily said, it certainly does not come easily to many when actually taking the time to remove clutter.
There are a number of strategies that different people have come up with – hence the plethora books upon the subject. Everything from putting all things in the house away into boxes and removing items only that are needed for use for the entirety of a year and ridding of all that does not get used, to holding each item in a space close and asking yourself if it brings you joy. While each individual’s experiences with decluttering may vary, there are a couple simple suggestions for anyone who is looking to lessen the clutter in their lives.
Give Experiences, Not Things
Giving gifts can be difficult – even when they are for yourself. Giving things, especially when they lack sentimental value, tends to lead to those particular items merely piling up in the garage, or the back of some closet, or even in a rented storage space. We tend to feel bad giving away a gift from a friend or relative, even when we have no need or use for it.
Giving experiences, however, cuts down on the clutter and provides amazing memories that last a lifetime without taking up any space. In a world where consumerism reigns supreme, there is a severe excess of stuff, and yet there is also severe excess of those in need. Reducing the clutter in our lives cuts down on stress within our living spaces, and there are companies that offer the gift of experience while simultaneously giving to charities which provides an extra boost of happiness when giving such a gift. Give a unique experience through while simultaneously giving back to charity. It’s something you should try, and you can learn more here.
Saving Space
We all like having space. With the world growing as insanely as it is though, many of us are sacrificing space – smaller homes, smaller apartments, smaller lots, and the like. When looking to create space, or even the illusion or more space, focus on the functionality of pieces in your home.
For example, furniture that doubles as storage. These pieces look beautiful, and are comfortable. Plus, they provide space for items such as pillows, sheets, and blankets, that are used often, but not constantly. Other items are technological pieces. The majority of us find enjoyment in reading, music, and films. Devices such as reading tablets can hold numerous numbers of books without piling up. Your local library also offers you the reading material you crave without taking up all the space.
If you’re a movie or music buff, backup hard drives are brilliant ways to store staggering amounts of movies, shows, and music within a small little box to have at your disposal.