Day 14: Nature is Calling. You Need to Go!

This is day 14 of our 30 day series “30 Simple Things to Do to Change Your Life in 30 Days. If you missed a day, links to previous articles follow this article.

In a world where we’re constantly connected to our phones, glued to computer screens, and confined within four walls, nature often feels like a distant escape. Yet, it’s one of the simplest and most effective ways to reset and recharge both mentally and physically. On Day 14 of our 30-day challenge, it’s time to step outside, breathe in the fresh air, and reconnect with the natural world. Nature is calling, and you need to go!

The Healing Power of Nature

Getting outside and spending time in nature isn’t just a nice break from your routine—it’s vital for your well-being. Countless studies have shown that exposure to natural environments can boost your mood, improve physical health, and enhance overall mental clarity. Here’s why venturing into the great outdoors is one of the best things you can do for yourself.

Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Being in nature has a calming effect on the mind and body. Research shows that spending time in natural environments lowers cortisol levels, the stress hormone responsible for feelings of anxiety. The sights, sounds, and smells of nature have a soothing, grounding effect that helps you relax and detach from the pressures of daily life. Just 15-20 minutes of outdoor time can leave you feeling more balanced and at ease.

Boosts Mental Clarity and Focus

Ever notice how a walk in the park or a hike in the woods helps clear your mind? Nature has a way of giving your brain a much-needed break from the constant barrage of information and distractions we face every day. This mental reset allows you to return to tasks with a sharper focus and renewed energy. Whether you’re dealing with creative block or decision fatigue, spending time outdoors can help unlock new ideas and solutions.

Improves Physical Health

Nature not only soothes your mind but also energizes your body. When you’re outdoors, you’re more likely to engage in physical activity—whether it’s hiking, walking, cycling, or simply playing frisbee. Regular exposure to nature promotes physical exercise, which in turn helps lower blood pressure, strengthens muscles, improves heart health, and boosts immunity. It’s like a natural gym with endless possibilities for movement.

Increases Happiness and Well-Being

There’s a reason why people feel happier after spending time outside. Natural environments increase the production of endorphins—the feel-good chemicals in your brain. Sunlight exposure helps boost your levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter associated with happiness and mood stability. In fact, just spending time in green spaces can significantly reduce symptoms of depression and improve your sense of well-being.

Fosters Connection to the World Around You

We live in a fast-paced, digital world where it’s easy to feel disconnected from ourselves and others. Nature reminds us that we’re part of something much larger. Whether it’s listening to the wind rustle through the trees, watching waves crash against the shore, or marveling at a sunset, these moments bring a sense of awe and connection. Being in nature helps you slow down, live in the present, and appreciate the beauty that exists beyond our screens.

Ways to Embrace Nature and Reap Its Benefits

You don’t need to climb a mountain or camp in the wilderness to experience the benefits of nature. Even small, daily interactions with the outdoors can have a profound impact on your well-being. Here are some simple ways to get out of the house, out of the office, or out of the gym and spend more time in nature:

Take a Walk in a Local Park

A walk in the park is one of the easiest ways to immerse yourself in nature. Whether it’s a city park or a neighborhood trail, spending even 15 minutes walking among trees and greenery can refresh your mind and improve your mood. Make it a daily habit to take a walk during your lunch break or after dinner.

Go Hiking or Biking

For a more immersive experience, head to a local hiking trail or biking path. Hiking allows you to explore forests, mountains, or open fields, providing a sense of adventure and escape from the routine. If you prefer a faster pace, cycling is a great way to cover more ground while still enjoying the fresh air and changing scenery.

Practice Outdoor Mindfulness or Meditation

Nature is the perfect setting for mindfulness and meditation practices. Find a quiet spot in a park or near a body of water and focus on your surroundings. Listen to the sounds of nature, feel the breeze on your skin, and pay attention to the sensations of the earth beneath your feet. Mindfulness in nature helps you be more present and aware, reducing mental clutter.

Exercise Outside

Who says you need to hit the gym to stay fit? Exercising outdoors can be more invigorating and enjoyable than being inside a gym. Try outdoor yoga, running on nature trails, or even a simple bodyweight workout in your backyard or local park. The fresh air and open space can enhance your workout experience and make it feel less like a chore.

learn from yoga

Plan Weekend Getaways or Day Trips

If you have more time to spare, plan a weekend getaway to a national park, beach, or rural area where you can fully disconnect from your usual environment. Even a day trip to a nearby nature reserve or lake can feel like a mini-vacation, giving you the opportunity to unwind and recharge.


If you have a yard, gardening is a wonderful way to connect with nature while also getting your hands dirty. Tending to plants not only keeps you outside but also provides a rewarding sense of accomplishment as you watch your garden grow and thrive.

Overcoming the “No Time” Excuse

One of the biggest reasons people give for not spending time in nature is the feeling that they don’t have enough time. But you don’t need hours or days to reap the benefits of the outdoors—sometimes, just a short break is enough. Consider these small, manageable changes:

  • Incorporate nature into your commute by walking or biking part of the way, or taking a detour through a park before or after work.
  • Turn lunch breaks into outdoor breaks by eating your lunch outside or walking around the block to break up your day.
  • Replace screen time with green time—instead of scrolling through social media for 30 minutes, spend that time outside soaking up some fresh air.

The key is to prioritize nature just as you would any other important aspect of your life. Once you start making it a regular habit, the benefits will be hard to ignore, and you’ll wonder why you didn’t make the switch sooner.

The Takeaway: Nature Is Your Greatest Ally

Whether you’re struggling with stress, searching for more focus, or simply wanting to feel more connected to the world around you, nature is one of your greatest allies. It’s accessible, free, and provides both immediate and long-term health benefits. As we move further into this challenge of transforming our lives, getting outside and reconnecting with nature is one of the simplest yet most impactful changes you can make.

On Day 14 of this 30-day journey, make a commitment to spend more time in nature. Step outside and let the outdoors work its magic on your mind, body, and soul. After all, nature is calling—you just need to answer!

Previous articles in this series can be found here:

Ms. Career Girl

Ms. Career Girl was started in 2008 to help ambitious young professional women figure out who they are, what they want and how to get it.