Don’t Let These Roadblocks Stop Your Recovery From Addiction

The road to recovery from an addiction can be both long and treacherous. Indeed, it’s true to say that many people give up halfway through because they can’t handle the willpower that is needed. It’s not easy, and anyone that tells you giving up an addiction is easy are lying. Either that or they were never truly addicted in the first place.
It’s true to say that addiction doesn’t have quite the same impact on certain people. Nicotine is believed to be one of the most addictive substances on the planet. There are plenty of people who can smoke one cigarette every now or then without feeling the weight of addiction. Then, there are other people who get addicted to video games. A recent report revealed that Warcraft was statistically more addictive than crack cocaine. But again, there are plenty of individuals who can play it occasionally and won’t waste hours of their life. That’s why we can’t assume that addiction recovery is easy. As such it’s important to be aware of the roadblocks that could prevent you from getting clean.

Did you know that you can get withdrawal symptoms from virtually anything that your body is used to having? If you want to see this, just try cutting sugar out of your diet. Be careful with this idea because sugar is in a lot more things than you probably realize. One of the main ingredients for most fast food chains is a healthy dose of sugar. But once you remove this from your diet completely, your body will start to react.
It has been dependent on it for so long that it will start to beg for it, and needs the substance that you used to provide. It demands it, and it will start punishing you for not providing it. Withdrawal can come in many forms. Although, usually it hits someone in full force with everything from psychotic episodes to fever symptoms. It can last hours, days or even weeks depending on the duration of the addiction. Some people claim that the effects of withdrawal never completely disappear. There may be slight signs that you are still craving that lost substance. For instance, your hand might have a tiny tremor. This is why there are many treatments for drug addiction that avoid going cold turkey. But, as we will discover further down, that can lead to more problems.
So, how do you break through past the trauma that is brought from withdrawal? The only way you’re going to be able to do this is with a support system. Without this, you won’t have any reason to fight back. Instead, you’ll surrender and give your body what it craves.
Lack Of Support

There are more reasons to have a support system in place than just beating back the effects of withdrawal. Indeed it is true to say that people suffering from addiction need to know there is something on the other side. They have to have something to return to otherwise, what’s the point. If you have no family, friends or career left, what’s the point in getting clean? This is the question that many addicts have to ask themselves because they have burned most of these bridges. Of course, a 12 step program that most recovery centers use often includes building back relationships. Doctors know that addicts will need these once they leave the program. But again, it isn’t always this easy. A lack of support can also lead to a relapse which is dangerous for addicts. The addiction often increases in strength after one recovery has been attempted.
This is why addiction treatment doesn’t just rely on addicts developing their own relationships for support. Instead, doctors also try and get them in groups with other people feeling the same type of struggle as them. Other addicts are often the best form of support for people suffering from an addiction because they share the experience.
A Replacement Addiction

Methadone is a drug that is used to treat a number of addictions including serious drug addictions. It is usually one of the later stages in rehabilitation programs. Doctors use this treatment because they know the danger of going cold turkey. Withdrawal, as we’ve already pointed out, can be dangerous. It can put patients in more physical harm than they would have been with their addiction. Or at least, an equal amount which is a problem.
Essentially, it means that they are no better off and that’s why drugs are used. With drugs, patients still get treatment, and their addiction is taken away. But unfortunately, it’s replaced with another substance. Methadone can be just as addictive as illegal narcotics. That’s why you want to be wary of this type of treatment. It can put you in a worse situation.
It’s not uncommon for patients to develop other addictions once they recover from one. This can occur inside a rehabilitation facility with the replacement drug being prescribed by a doctor. Or, it can occur when addicts are trying to recover without help or support. They wean themselves off one drug only to rely on another addiction. This isn’t their fault and will often be due to their personality.
As already mentioned, some people are more prone to addictions than others. If you have this type of personality trait, you might find yourself binge watching hours of TV shows. Or, drinking coffee each and every day. For some people though addictions are going to be more serious with a reliance on narcotics or alcohol.
Again, the key to avoiding a replacement addiction is by having the support needed. It is crucial that addicts have people around who can see the signs of a new addiction development. This could be medical professionals or a support group. It might also be friends and family members.
Stress And Emotional Issues

You should try to remember that addictions almost always start as a coping mechanism. If you have a stressful day at work, you might pour yourself a glass of wine to take the edge off. The next day there’s another problem, so you pour yourself another glass. Soon you’re not drinking a glass but a bottle each night. Eventually, you might find that you can’t cope without wine at the end of the day. Or, you need to smoke to get that feeling of relaxation. You don’t realize that the drug is causing this particular craving.
This is why it is important that recovering addicts find other coping mechanisms that they can use. Obviously, it is crucial that these don’t take the shape or form of another addiction. Addicts must be careful that whatever coping mechanism they use isn’t harmful to them. You often find that ex-smokers take up exercise such as yoga. Yoga gives them that same feeling of relaxation that they crave and even benefits their health.
Lies, Lies, Lies

Finally, the biggest threat to your road to recovery is a lie. This isn’t a lie that someone else will tell you but rather one that you will tell yourself. You will say to yourself that you have changed, even when you haven’t. That you have stopped using, even as you pop another pill in your mouth. Is a dangerous road and one that often leads to an addiction worsening. You must avoid falling into this trap. As an addict, honesty is crucial to your rehabilitation.
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