Dos and Don’ts When Relocating Long Distance for a Job

Relocating long distance can be a great opportunity. People need a fresh start, and when the daily grind becomes too routine, relocating can breathe fresh air into a career. Fewer job seekers in the United States are taking the plunge and relocating for their career, but 11% of people did relocate for work.
In the past, this figure was at 19%, so we’re seeing a decline in relocating for work.
But it’s still a good option for a lot of job seekers. When you’re willing to pick up and move, you’ll find that the job world is much larger. A few of the dos and don’ts of relocating long distance for a job are:
Do Negotiate Relocation Expenses
You might not have to take on the entire financial burden of moving. When you’re involved in a long-distance move, you need to learn more about the process. A lot of employers, roughly 26.4% paid for some of the moving expenses for their employee.
Temporary living expenses were paid to 15.75% of employees and 12.05% received a discretionary expenses allowance while 8.7% received a lump sum payment for their move.
Just under 30% of employers did not offer any form of moving assistance.
Talk to someone in the HR department and ask if there’s a written relocation policy in place. You can also ask someone else that relocated for the company recently to determine the relocation package that the employee received.
Don’t Neglect Researching the Local Area
If you’re moving from a state that is inexpensive to a state like New Jersey, you may find that your $6,000 raise barely covers the property taxes that you’re required to pay in the state. You need to consider all of the expenses of moving, and this means:
- Average rental or housing costs
- Average property taxes
- Car insurance costs
- State income taxes
Don’t just assume that since a salary is higher that it will reflect the difference in the cost of living from one location to another. Use this information to further negotiate your salary.
Do Commit to the Move
Whether relocating with your current employer or to a new employer, the main reason that people fail when trying to relocate is that they’re afraid to commit to the move. Explain to the employer the date which you plan to relocate and prove the relocation through your actions.
Asking about relocation expenses can further demonstrate how committed you are to moving to a new location.
You’ll want to go as far as visiting the area and picking the location where you want to relocate. You’ll want to announce your date of arrival, and you’ll also want to scout out the local area for apartments or rentals until you can buy a house – if that is your goal.
Committing to the move will give an employer confidence that you truly plan on moving and have the intention of working for them. If an employer tells you to call back when you make the move, they’re often not relying on you making the plunge and moving.