Eight Steps To Being A Better Boss

Many people strive to achieve success in their career and aim to be able to delegate others in a superior role. Upon getting there, some come to realize what a tough job it is in reality. While it may be a difficult position to be in, it doesn’t mean it should be avoided, or you should quit trying. Embracing not just being the boss but being a better boss is an opportunity to learn and grow.
Understand you don’t have to know it all or get it right immediately. There’s a learning curve with any new position, and you should give yourself room to breathe. The good news is that you can be a better boss by adopting a few tips that are going to help you achieve success in your role.
Take Care of you
You can’t take care of others until you learn how to attend to your own needs first. It’s important to learn how to manage your stress and not get easily overwhelmed if you’re the one in charge. People are looking up to you and watching your every move. Participate in relaxing activities outside of the office to help you remain calm during stressful periods at work. You don’t want to have a reputation for being the crabby one who’s always on edge. You’ll be a better boss when you get your sleep and are taking care of your mind and body on a regular basis.
Show Passion for your Career & Motivate others
Remember why you got started following your career path in the first place and let that passion drive you to be an amazing boss. This will inspire others and motivate your team to want to do a better job at work. Don’t be afraid to show some enthusiasm when you walk into work each day and make it clear to others you love what you do. Your positivity will trickle down to others, and your office will be a much more enjoyable place to work. Notice which people seem to share your same passion and have conversations with them about their career goals and offer to be a mentor to them.
Attentively Manage your Team
Bosses who disappear and don’t seem to care about their staff are difficult to work for and create a frustrating environment to be in. Thoughtfully manage your team and show you care about their development by holding regular team meetings and scheduling teambuilding events. Choose an activity like corporate team building with escape games and truly challenge everyone in your group. They’ll have to communicate, get creative and problem solve if they want to get themselves out of an escape room. Investing in your team will not only make you a better boss, but it’ll increase the confidence in your team members and help develop their skills.
Learn how to Give Constructive Feedback
As the boss it’s important you learn how to give constructive feedback and not blurt out whatever is on your mind. Know there is a time and place to give people advice and pointers on their individual performance. Try to keep it positive and let the person know what they could be doing differently and what skills to focus on going forward. Knowing how to give feedback is only going to help your team members develop further and perform better for you. Being critical about employee’s abilities will only create a more negative environment and slow progress.
Make Time for People
You’re going to be busy as the one who’s in charge, but you can’t let your tasks get in the way of networking and building relationships. Make time for people and let others know you’re always available to talk business or help someone with a personal problem. People are what keep you in business and making time to have conversations with colleagues and clients should be a priority. You won’t regret having people on your side and knowing the right individuals when push comes to shove or circumstances change.
Get Organized
Being a messy boss isn’t a good look and not what you want to be known for. Get organized and find time to declutter your office and sort through any piles you have laying around. Know where your belongings are and how to find important files when you need them. This is going to make your life and working a lot easier on you. Do the same at home, so you’re organized wherever you go. It’s not a good look to be scrambling in front of an employee or client, and you’ll start to lose your credibility.
Brush up on your Leadership Skills
Listen more and lead instead of order people around. Focus on improving your leadership skills, and you’ll instantly be a better boss. Leaders know when to speak up, how to delegate and what it takes to get others to follow. Attend seminars, take classes online and put yourself out there at networking events to help you brush up on your leadership skills. You’ll have more confidence in your role as boss and won’t feel the need to micromanage all that goes on.
Remove yourself from Office Politics
Be a better boss by not getting involved in office politics. Although it may be tempting, remind yourself it won’t truly make you happy. You’ll be more successful when you understand how to manage diverse teams and take care of you first. Politics will only drag you down and make you act in ways you’ll likely regret. Know your worth and that the right people will recognize your skills when the time comes for you to be promoted. Pick your battles and don’t get caught up in an unnecessary conflict that will only make you look bad.
Being a Better Boss
Being the boss isn’t as glamorous as it sounds. It’s a lot of work and pressure to deal with on a daily basis. Be kind to yourself and believe in your capability to manage teams and work with different types of people. While you may have moments of doubt or second guess yourself, keep in mind all you do right and refer back to these tips whenever you’re feeling in need of some encouragement and guidance.