When Enough is Enough: How to Deal with a Burnout

The reality of how often we push ourselves to the point that is dangerously close to burning out is dimmed by the modern world of ambition and almost limitless opportunities. It is peculiar that we are still unable to reach the full potential of the options that the technology has brought to the table; we can’t even compete against it. Yet, we often blatantly engage in this race that may have dangerous consequences at the finish line, both in terms of our health and our success.
Disregarding the severity of the outcome, we follow the line of least resistance, ignorantly disregarding our rapid approach to the moment where the constant juggling between our personal and professional lives becomes unbearable; to the point where something’s simply got to give.
The first step is seeing the danger
One of the biggest issues when dealing with a burnout (incoming or ongoing) is the famed “eyes on the prize” mentality. Although blurring out the distractions and heading straight for the goal is a pillar of success, moving onwards into the oblivion has a rather suicidal ring to it – sometimes the distractions are your biggest ally in terms of helping you realize that you’re on your way towards burning out.
To an individual, a burnout will feel exhausting, depressing and thoroughly life robbing. The three signs to pay close attention to are:
- Exhaustion
- Cynicism
- Inefficacy
While cynicism and inefficacy are more common indicators of a burnout in the western world, exhaustion is the number one indicator worldwide.
Knowing how burning out feels is hugely important for taking care of it properly.
Changing the perspective
It’s easy to succumb to the limited view that your own perspective offers – all human beings have been doing this ever since they were born. Additionally, while some of us are used to changing perspectives when someone else needs emotional support, we rarely do this when we need help, as this really isn’t something that we’re used to.
Standing on the outside looking in is similar to the idea of mind reading.
Although it isn’t impossible (like clairvoyance is, to the best of our knowledge), telling what people think is extremely difficult and will likely lead you to false assumptions. Trying to detect your own burnout by deducing peoples’ reactions to your behavior and all the entangled correlations in between is next to impossible. So, what’s the answer? It couldn’t be any simpler, actually – talk to people and their insight will help you understand that you’re on a road to burnout; social contact is nature’s antidote to stress.
There has to be room for relaxation
Cheesy as it may sound, you have to ‘chill’ at some point. ‘Chilling’, however, applies both to activities that are relaxing, as well as to those that result in relaxation.
Leaving some room for physical activity is a top priority. How you feel physically, but also mentally is greatly influenced by how physically active you are. Whether you prefer going to the gym, jogging, hiking, or engaging in sports activities, it’s impervious that you do it on a regular basis. This means that a once-per-week basketball game simply isn’t going to cut it, while a certain amount of exercise on a daily basis can calm you enough to get you through the day.
When it comes to instant relaxation, nature has provided us with remedies that are calming both to our physical and spiritual selves. Marijuana, for example, provides a level of introspection (in addition to physical relaxation) that will do wonders for your mental being. Buying this multi-purpose sedative legally, at places such as medical marijuana dispensaries in Las Vegas is essential, as here this substance is controlled, tested and is as pure as this psychoactive substance gets.
Complement your physical exercise sessions with this natural remedy to avoid a burnout.
Being able to notice when enough is enough means that you’re only halfway through dealing with a burnout. Spotting it early, looking past introspection and exercising a variety of ways to relax and unwind is just as crucial for success as being ambitious is.