Exercising for the Time-pressed Professional

How many times have you thought about getting up early the next morning to fit a swim in prior to work, or promised yourself that you’d walk to work rather than take the bus? When was the last time that you allowed an early meeting, late finish, or a sheer lack of willpower to railroad those good intentions? Time is so precious that it’s often very easy to be talked out of exercising, and yet staying fit and healthy is absolutely vital.
You know that you need to pay a little more attention to your health and wellbeing and that exercise needs to be worked into your already precious time – how are you going to go about fixing your fitness?
Sneak in a workout
Incorporating a workout into your daily routine is one of the best ways to keep fit when you’re pushed for time, particularly if you’re adopting an efficient workout – that is, one that doesn’t require specialist equipment or prior preparation. Walking, for example, is ridiculously easy to adopt and will quickly become part of your working day. If you live close enough to your work, consider walking or cycling, or aim to leave the bus or subway one or two stops early and walk the rest of the way. Does your workplace have access to a shower or changing facilities? Consider working up a sweat and dodging the rush hour by running to the office. Taking the stairs rather than waiting for the elevator, heading out for a walk rather than lounging during your lunchbreak, and attempting simple moves such as squats, lunges, and stretches at your desk will all fit easily into your daily routine and ensure that you’re able to work out without really having to think about it.
Getting your partner involved
One of the easiest ways to ensure that you exercise and keep fit is by getting others involved. Running with a buddy, hitting the gym together, or even walking part of the way to work as a duo will greatly increase your motivation and further your drive to succeed. More than that, though, choosing to jog, take a class, or embark upon a bike ride with a partner, such as your husband or boyfriend, can make exercise fun. We’re a social species by nature, and far more inclined to undertake an activity when accompanied by someone we know, love, and trust. Just as it’s important for you to wear the right things and warm up sensibly, it’s key that your exercise buddy does the same. The Men’s Everyday Memory Foam Orthotic, for example, will keep your partner’s feet comfortably cushioned for the duration of your workout, while compression wear offers a range of benefits; you only need to look at what others are saying about arch support inserts to know that they’re increasingly popular among men and women who regularly exercise.
Restructure your day
If the idea of scheduling your workout into your working day, or incorporating exercise into your existing routine, fills you with dread, try structuring your day a little differently so that you’re able to maintain a healthy work-fitness balance. For example, could you get up a little earlier each morning and take a jog around the block, walk your dog during your lunchbreak, or take an evening swim? Would a fitness class or sporting activity such as tennis, soccer, or squash fit into your working week without sacrificing any of your downtime? Once you start to look at your schedule a little differently, you’ll no doubt notice areas that could be altered to accommodate a little more exercise.
Make it fun
If you’re the kind of person that starts a new fitness regime with the best intentions but then allows a few little setbacks to derail you, listen up: the best way to ensure that you stay true to your new, fitter self is to make it fun. When carried out correctly, exercise should be fun; it should leave you with a sense of accomplishment rather than one of dread. Treat yourself; is there an item you’d really like to buy, a piece of clothing you’d desperately like to fit into in time for a vacation, or a colleague you’d like to go up against, and beat, while doing an activity of your choosing? Rewards, incentives, and a sense of competition are fantastic ways to stay motivated when it comes to exercise, and will ensure that you find the time to keep fit and healthy.
Keep tabs on your fitness
Finally, consider the ways in which you can track your activities, motivate yourself, and acknowledge the little accomplishments. A smartwatch, such as a Fitbit or Apple Watch, or an app such as Strava, MapMyRun, or Fitness Buddy is a great accompaniment to any workout, mapping the miles, tracking your steps, and allowing you to determine how many calories you’ve burned, as well as setting yourself goals to achieve. It has been proven time and time again that we’re best motivated by our achievements, so aim to keep an eye on the exercise you’re doing; you’ll soon find yourself spurred on by every “win.”
You don’t need to be told that time is precious; as a time-pressed professional, it may often feel as though your day is divided between your bed and your office, with very little space in between to take care of yourself. These days, diet and exercise are integral to a healthy lifestyle. Luckily, it can be relatively simple – even enjoyable – to incorporate a little exercise into your daily routine, as long as you know where sacrifices, and allowances, can be made.
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