Exploring practical benefits of CBD

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a vital non-psychoactive constituent of both cannabis and hemp, and products infused with this compound are flying off the shelves right now. There has been a cannabis renaissance in America and many countries, thanks to the plant’s legalization – for medical and/or recreational use – in many states, and the emergence of hemp-derived CBD products due to relaxed hemp laws.
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a vital non-psychoactive constituent of both cannabis and hemp, and products infused with this compound are flying off the shelves right now. There has been a cannabis renaissance in America and many countries, thanks to the plant’s legalization – for medical and/or recreational use – in many states, and the emergence of hemp-derived CBD products due to relaxed hemp laws. (You can Click here to buy CBD products.)
A lot of the CBD focus has gone on the effectiveness of the cannabinoid at treating rare and life-threatening epilepsy and other serious illnesses. But there’s much more to CBD than that. Endocannabinoid system (ECS) regulation is something that everybody can benefit from, and it’s time that CBD is considered as a supplement, too, similar to vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids.
It may take years for many of the medical claims about CBD to be proven, but from surveys of medical cannabis users and people’s reports of their experiences, there’s no reason why you cannot incorporate CBD into your daily routine. In addition to being non-intoxicating, there are few side effects from taking CBD.
Here’s a closer look at how CBD could benefit you in day-to-day life.
Soothing anxiety
Even those of us who aren’t troubled by a diagnosed anxiety disorder can suffer from nerves and worries at the most unhelpful times – such as prior to an important examination or job interview. Combatting this natural panicking is not easy, and some people turn to unhealthy vices like cigarettes to relax their state of mind.
CBD offers a much healthier way to relieve this anxiety – the science is really promising, and with the right product, you can be reaping the rewards of a dose in just minutes. A study of social anxiety patients has found that orally-administered CBD helps to improve public speaking performances, and researchers think this may be due to the surge in gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) that the cannabinoid facilitates. GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter, and reduces neuronal excitability, which is known to trigger anxiety.
So, before that important situation where you need to perform at your best, try some CBD – for the fastest anxiety relief, select CBD drops.
Stress relief
Nowadays, everybody seems to be living life in the fast line, especially the most ambitious among us. Yet when we aren’t pushing ourselves to the limit, it’s important to indulge in self-care and properly relax to restore our energy. Tackling stress is often key to this.
Stress symptoms can be both physical and mental – headaches, aches and pains, colds and infections due to a weakened immune system and insomnia are all indications that you may be suffering from stress.
Scientists have discovered that when we are stressed, levels of the steroid hormone cortisol surge. While cortisol is far from useless, constantly high levels of the hormone can leave us feeling fatigued. However, taking CBD helps to reduce cortisol, according to a study conducted in the early 1990s.
Have some CBD the next time you want to chill out. You may find that it promotes calmness, enhances your mood, and improves the quality of your sleep to reduce fatigue.
Add CBD to your skincare routine
CBD works because of its regulatory effect on the ECS, a system consisting of cannabinoid receptors which are found all over the body. These receptors are typically activated by neurotransmitters called endocannabinoid but can also be influenced by cannabinoids in plants – most of which come from cannabis. Both of the main cannabinoid receptors are present in the skin, hence why creams, ointments and other infused topical products are making a splash in the cosmetic industry.
CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties are effective at reducing swelling and treating irritation and redness which may be caused by conditions such as acne. Moreover, the antibacterial qualities of the cannabinoid are useful for managing infections. Many are finding that CBD skin serums have a nourishing effect, leaving their skin blemish free.
Also, CBD is an antioxidant, meaning it potentially has anti-aging effects, although the theory of ‘free radical aging’ is disputed. Proponents of the concept say that antioxidants help to slow the aging process by protecting the skin from DNA-degrading free radicals. These pesky molecules are found in household cleaning products, pollutants, cigarette smoke and more.
CBD has been a revelation, largely because of its relative safety. Patients seeking an alternative to prescription drugs can try a softer alternative, while those looking for a natural remedy can sample CBD sans the psychoactive effects of whole-plant cannabis products.