Family Locator App Connects Working Moms with Their Kids

I am sure that many moms, just like me, at times feel overwhelmed by today’s lifestyle. We have to work like our husbands [or more!] and still care for the kids. Well, we need the kids, and, we need the job, too. My case is a little complicated. I am the type of mother that cannot entrust anyone fully with my kids. I might hire a babysitter or nanny, but, I still have to keep inquiring on my kids’ whereabouts.
Well, recently, I came across an application that promised to solve the problem for me. Have you ever heard of a family locator app? To say the least, it is the best and most used app on my phone today. Just like the name suggests, it helps keep the family together despite the demands of today’s life and distance. Let me reveal why I love it this much.
One, after installing it on your phone and the child’s, you can see everywhere your child has been. This feature is called the ‘Location History.’ Therefore, you will forget the lies that your child tells about where they had been or where they are.
Two, you can use the ‘Family Places’ feature which lets you mark a special region on a map. When your child leaves or enters the region, you are automatically notified. This makes me a happy mom because I know when my son gets home and when they leave. And not just my son; my husband, too! It makes want to rush home and be with them.
The third thing about the app is that it lets you chat with the family. You might be miles away, but, you can chat with your partner and children in one group. When I am busy working, I at times take a break and initiate a chat with them. The one thing you need to be wary about is that people might catch you smiling at your phone. Just make sure it is not your boss that catches you at it!
Whoever made this wonderful app might be a woman. I say this because it seems to solve all of the problems that we face when separated from our kids. For instance, I always wonder who would know or help my child if there was ever an emergency with him. Now, with this family locator app, you child can hit a button when they need help or are caught up in a situation. All the family members get an instant alert and you can locate the child instantly. If this feature does not appeal to you, I doubt any ever will.
I fear that I might discuss this app for too long. It has more and more features that will help any working mom significantly. Some include monitoring your child’s address book, their photos, and, if your child drives, there is an over speed alert. In short, when they are driving too fast, you get to know and you can contact them immediately.
I finally have a new best friend that simplifies my parenting in this overwhelming world. Try the family locator app – Family Orbit for yourself!