Five “Costumes” Every Twentysomething Should Avoid

Happy Halloween!!
Yesterday I had the pleasure of teaching two college classes: an entrepreneurship class at Miami University and a communications internship class at DePaul. While each class had a completely different lesson plan, there was an over-arching theme in both that became part of our discussion: life as a twentysomething.
I’ve mentored more college students than I can count and have had cocktails with enough young pros to know that most people will face a lot of uncertainty and change in their twenties. And because of this, many of us spend a portion of this decade in disguise while we try to figure it out. A perfect example? Miley Cyrus. (And yes, I couldn’t help but share her Lil Kim Halloween costume!)
While costumes are a little different for non-celebs, I’ve thought a lot about the types of “costumes” twentysomethings wear and wrote a post about it over at the Premier Protein blog that I hope you’ll check out. Are you a People Pleaser? Someone who tells themselves that “30 is the new 20”? Are you a “Do Good Martyr”? Are you the “Overly Eager Adult”? Are you the “$30k Millionaire”?
Read the full post here.
And in the meantime, here’s a #ThrowbackThursday Halloween costume of mine from a few years ago: Snookie and The Situation!