Four Horrible Dating Decisions to Avoid

Love makes people act . . . crazy. There’s no way around it, infatuation is a difficult thing to deal with, especially in the early phases of a relationship. Nevertheless, it’s important for everyone out on the dating scene to exercise a modicum of restraint and act in a responsible manner. Otherwise, you could end up with egg on your face after making an ill-fated relationship decision. The good news is, you can educate yourself now to avoid these four common dating pitfalls. Check them out now, or regret them later; the choice is yours!
Over/Under Exposure
Successful dating is a lot like taking care of a delicate flower. Too much attention, preening, watering, and alteration and you’ll stifle any potential for growth. Conversely, don’t give it enough TLC, and it’ll die a lonely death. With that in mind, it’s imperative to strike a healthy balance with a new partner and neither overexpose nor undernourish your relationship. Dating someone you see constantly –– like a work colleague –– will present you with a unique set of obstacles. As will transitioning to a long-distance relationship. Ideally, you should see each other a reasonable amount, and increase your time together in conjunction with your flourishing relationship.
Getting Money Involved
Never accept or offer to loan a significant amount of money to a new paramour. If there’s one sure-fire way to complicate things and engender distrust, it’s involving money with family, friends, and dating. Plain and simple, money changes the way we think and behave. Note: this is distinct from offering to pay for drinks or accepting a movie ticket. We’re talking about asking for or loaning a substantial portion of capital. Keep your money separate until later on!
Going Back for Round 2
People should trust their gut more often. If you’ve dated someone in the past, but now find them on the precipice of re-entering your sphere of influence for whatever reason, resist the temptation to rekindle an old romance. Nine out of ten times this is a bad decision. Remember, if things didn’t work out in the past, there was probably a good reason why.
Taking Unnecessary Risks
Dating is all about taking the plunge and trying new things. However, there’s a difference between being adventurous and behaving recklessly. Never put your own personal safety at risk while on a date. And that includes sexual wellness. True, it may be awkward to talk to your partner about getting tested for STDs, but it’s essential that all sexually active individuals take agency to protect their health. Plus, this is the best way to ensure you do your part to quell the spread of dangerous STDs. After all, STD testing is a crucial preventative measure that benefits you, your partner, and the entire population.