Four of the Best Graduate’s Degree to Pursue

Who ever said that you no longer have to learn once you obtain your BA? The truth is that you’re always going to be learning. And one of the best ways to learn more is to look into getting your graduate’s degree. A graduate’s degree, or master’s degree, is a more advanced education in your chosen career field. Graduate degrees do give you access to a more in-depth education and hopefully a higher job opportunity. However, there are a handful of degrees that are considered more useful. Here are a few of the best graduate degrees to pursue.
Master of Business Administration
With the immense surge in popularity surrounding the business world, obtaining a business degree is one of the best options available. Once your BA is acquired, you can then look into getting a Master’s of Business Administration (MBA). While you’ll obviously have to meet the requirements of holding your bachelor’s, some areas may have their own stipulations regarding this. You can only get an MBA by taking and passing the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT). Regardless, you can expect to take more advanced courses on subject such as accounting and statistics during this program.
Before we continue further, it’s best to mention how you can pay for this. Graduate degrees can be very expensive and the interest rates on your student loans can be a bi unforgiving. However, there’s alternative, no-strings attached way for you to afford this: applying for a scholarship. A scholarship is often considered as a financial reward for students with a high GPA. While that will certainly improve your eligibility, it’s not always mandatory. Go online and utilize Going Merry scholarships for college to apply for one that best suits your needs. It can come with personalized matching, which can help you narrow down your search by a large margin.
Master of Science in Nursing
A Master’s of Science in Nursing (MSN) is often considered to be one of the most lucrative graduate degrees you can have. So much so, the average salary you can get with a career that requires this education averages almost $60.00 an hour. As you navigate your career, you’ll also need this degree if you plan on working as a nurse by becoming a nurse practitioner or a mid-wife.
Master of Science in Data Science
If you’re someone who’s studying to be something, like software engineering or a data architect, then you’re going to need a Master’s of Science in Data Science (MSDS). Through this degree, you’ll be studying more on data analytics while participating in courses such as data forecasting, machine learning and computer programming.
Master of Engineering Management
A Master of Engineering Management requires its applicants to be well-versed in subjects such as mathematics, computer sciences and technology. Engineers have some of the highest salaries out of most of the careers. They can clock in at about $150,000 on average. This program is designed to simply help those who are looking to advance their career.