Four Tips For Looking The Part Of A Career Woman

When you start your own business, get a managerial (or higher up position) at your current job, or you decide to do the freelance thing, it’s important to look the part of a successful career woman. People will see you as a woman in power only if you give off that vibe. It’s not hard to do.
Just like people equate hair up and wearing glasses to look like a librarian, there are things you should wear, and do, that will show people you are in a position of power. Here are some tips to pull off that successful career woman look.
The Power Suit
Consider getting yourself a power suit. Hillary Clinton rocks the pantsuit and people definitely see her as a woman in a position of power. The right look is sure to give off that air of professionalism.
Pick colors that evoke power, like deep blues, purple, and even red. A nice solid black suit is also a must, as well as pinstripes. You won’t always want to wear a suit, so you also want some other powerful clothing, like a little black dress for holiday parties and maybe even the right pair of shoes.
The Confidence
Looking like a professional and successful business woman is about more than the clothes you wear, although they can help boost your confidence as well. Confidence also comes from knowing that you are great at what you do and simply rocking that. When you’re confident in yourself your clients and customers will be confident in you as well.
If you aren’t confident in the work that you do you may want to figure out how to get that confidence, it will make all the difference. Take some extra classes, do a little studying on your own, and you may find the confidence you were missing.
To Makeup Or Not
The way you paint your face will not determine your success, not one bit. The only thing this does is maybe boost your confidence. Whether to wear makeup or not is completely an individual decision to make.
Consider wearing the amount of makeup that makes you most confident, but is also suitable for the job you do.
Hair And Hygiene
No matter what your feelings on makeup are, hygiene is a must if you want to be taken seriously in life in general. Take a shower, use deodorant, and take it easy on the perfume (lots of people out there have allergies).
Have well-kept hair may also be important. You want to at least have it in a power ponytail, and get a regular trim now and then. A professional looking cut and style will also enhance your confidence.
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