Four Ways Your Small Business Can Give Back

Owning a small business can be a very rewarding career. You are making your mark in your chosen industry. You are helping to shape the economy. You’re building something you can feel truly proud of. You’re helping to provide jobs to your community. With all that in mind, it can leave you feeling pretty grateful for the opportunity, and it can spark a desire for you to want to give back. Giving back feels wonderful of course, but it also shows your employees and the community that they matter and that you appreciate all they do for your business.
So, what are the best ways you can give back? Obviously as a small company you can’t be putting on elaborate events such as those held by larger companies, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make a positive impact all the same. Here’s a look at a variety of ways your small business can give back, showing your thanks and appreciation for your customers, employees, community, and industry.
Support Other Local Small Businesses Whenever Possible
One way you can give back is to put the focus on buying locally whenever possible. This means buying tools, equipment, and supplies for your company whenever possible but also simple things like using local restaurants to hosts meetings and lunches, being sure to cross promote whenever possible, and leaving reviews for local businesses. All of this helps to not only increase that businesses profit, but it can help to grow their customer base which again helps that company out.
Make Volunteering Part of Your Company Initiative
Rather than just donate to a variety of causes, which is wonderful in itself, why not make volunteering a company initiative? You can choose a couple of local charities to support and then host events or work on fundraising throughout the year. The entire staff can get involved and everyone will feel good knowing they are giving back.
By making it a company initiative, you are in fact making it a plan and part of the company goals for that year. It can help to ensure that it actually happens and doesn’t get pushed off to the side.
On the flip side, there is always the option of starting your own charity drive for your own cause that you feel passionate about. You could even host a staff meeting and get everyone’s suggestions on which cause they would like to see the company create a charity drive for.
Put Your Support Behind a Youth Sports Team
Youth sports teams are always looking for sponsorships and while it’s normal for the large companies to step up to the plate, this is a great opportunity for small businesses as well. You will be supporting a local team, which means plenty of positive exposure for your company. The business can even go the extra mile and have customized lapel pins made up for the kids so they can be sporting the same pin with your company logo on it. You could also host a congratulatory meal at the end of the season and go out and cheer the team on whenever possible.
Provide a Grant Stipend to Employees on a Yearly Basis
Another unique approach is to ear-mark a stipend that is given out to each employee on a yearly basis and is meant to be used for the charity of their choice. Each person can pick something that is near and dear to them and have that incredible feeling of giving back.
Each of these ideas can provide your small business with real and meaningful ways to give back to the community and have everyone feeling great.