Give Your Confidence a Boost with These Four Tips


For most of us, confidence is a fickle thing. It comes and goes and can be difficult to reclaim once it leaves. As a woman in the workplace, confidence can seem especially elusive. Over the decades, the system has tried to marginalize and suppress us, which has established a sense of inferiority that simply doesn’t match reality. However, there is good news. You have plenty of self-confidence inside of you. The key is to unlock it so you can maximize your potential and continue chasing success.

Confidence-Boosting Suggestions

 Every individual is different, but many of us are facing very similar issues in our lives. Here are a few confidence-boosting suggestions:

Deal with Insecurities

 We all deal with our own insecurities. Some of them are internal and others are more tangible. For millions of women, insecurities are rooted in what they perceive to be physical “flaws.” And while body image issues often stem from psychological issues, dealing with these insecurities in a head-on manner can be effective.

Many women are able to boost their confidence by having small cosmetic enhancement procedures. Not only are these procedures more affordable than ever, but they’re also safer and more effective. Other people find confidence in straightening crooked teeth, erasing prominent scars, and losing excess weight.

Focus on Your Successes

 While there’s something to be said for being modest, don’t feel like you have to suppress your accomplishments. When you accomplish something, it’s okay to point out your success and enjoy it for a short while. More than anything, this shifts your attention away from failures and helps you see your accomplishments in a clear and tangible way.

Accept the Reality of Mistakes

 “We all strive for perfection in life, but it isn’t possible to be perfect. We try and try, yet we still fail. That’s perfectly OK,” Odyssey explains. “Mistakes help us learn and grow as a person. As long as you are trying your best, then that is perfectly fine. Everyone has their flaws.”

The sooner you can accept that you don’t have to be perfect, the quicker you’ll move on in the aftermath of a mistake. This is easy to say when you’re on the outside looking in, but remember to actually implement it in the moment.

Stop Attaching Your Identity to Work

 One of the reasons we often struggle with confidence is that we tie so much of our identity to our work. If you mess up, it makes you feel like a failure. If someone calls you out for something, it feels like an attack on your character. When a project fails, it makes you feel inadequate.

It’s time to stop attaching your identity to your job. While your career is a good thing, it’s not an ultimate thing. It’s something you do – not something that defines who you are. When you realize the truth in this, you’ll begin to feel a huge sense of relief that didn’t previously exist. It’ll also free you up to take risks, make mistakes, and find more success.

Take Control of Your Career

Don’t let confidence hold you back. Whether you’re beating yourself up over past failures, or you feel like your industry is trying to suppress you from becoming the independent and successful woman you’re destined to become, it’s time to stop letting these factors affect the way you see yourself. Reclaim your self-confidence and take control of your present and future.