Got Your Own Business? Here are 8 Apps That Make Everyday Life Easier!

Juggling a business, not to mention a hectic social and personal life, is a challenge few small business owners are prepared for when taking their first foray into the world of self-employment.
With that in mind, here are 8 apps that should make things that little bit easier!
If you regularly travel for business, download the TripIt app to streamline your travel admin. This handy app gathers tickets, boarding passes and documents in one virtual space, making business trips a breeze.
Clients, colleagues, family – these are but a small proportion of the people likely to call, message or e-mail you throughout the day. Naturally then, it can be difficult to keep in touch with everyone – particularly if you’re stuck in a meeting. With Tasker you can create automated message responses for those trying to contact you, so you need never feel guilty for not answering the phone again.
On top of the stresses of day-to-day business dealings, the last thing on your mind is likely to be remembering that receipt from lunch. That’s right, keeping tabs on expenses can prove a real nuisance. Not so with Expensify. At the touch of a button, this nifty app lets you record corporate expenditure directly onto your smartphone; meaning no more receipts and no more telling-offs from HR.
You’ve reached the conference ahead of schedule and are poised to network with fellow delegates and prospective clients. But wait – where are your business cards? You’ve forgotten them? Not to worry. With Chirp, you can swap contact information with business peers simply and easily without worrying about the security of your data.
Splashtop Remote Desktop
Business folk whose day-to-day work traverses both home and office will love the Splashtop Remote Desktop app. Allowing unlimited access to your office or home computer via your phone or tablet – regardless of where you are – the app is ideal for those who are rarely in one place at a time.
Dry Cleaner App
If you need to look your best before an important client meeting, The Dry Cleaner App can help. Using your current location, the app finds laundry and garment care services in your area, before allowing payment, pickup and delivery of items at a time that suits you.
Best Parking
Navigating to a new city was the first challenge; the next is finding somewhere to park. If time is getting on and you’re struggling to find a space, pullover and reach for the Best Parking app. Owing to in-built GPS, the app will find available parking in a jiff. Plus, it’ll even tell you how it costs to park there – pretty handy, right?
Remember the Milk
On top of everything you have to deal with on a given day, chances are you’ll forget to get buy loo roll on the way home. To help keep tabs on the little things in life, why not try the Remember the Milk app. With its intuitive, to-do list style interface and customisable alerts, you’ll never forget to pick up the kids or buy a bread loaf again.