How to Handle Your Curls in this Hot Weather

The summer is here, everyone is having fun in the sun, but there is one thing that is ruining your fun: your hair, which simply won’t stay the way it should! If you have curly hair, you can spend hours at home trying to tame it, but the moment you hit the beach, your hair will transform into a big, hot, frizzy mess. It’s okay, you’re not alone and, more importantly, there are ways to deal with it. Here are the tips and tricks for dealing with curls in the summer, collected and tested over far too many bad-hair summers.
It’s all about moisture
There is a huge misconception that many people with curly hair have: moisture is the enemy. However, this could not be further from the truth. Your hair is healthy only when it is hydrated enough, and outside moisture can only mess up your hair if it isn’t moisturized properly from the inside. So, make sure that you drink plenty of water and use all the right products to keep your hair moisturized. When applying products, make sure you distribute them evenly and follow directions on the package for the best results.
Be gentle
There are three main points where people get rough with their hair: towel drying, constant handling and brushing. Not to worry, there is a way to deal with all of them.
Towel drying: If you’ve ever used a rough towel and dried your hair vigorously with it, it might be holding a grudge. You are seriously damaging your hair by doing that, and the only proper way you should be towel drying your hair is by using a soft, microfiber towel and gently patting it dry.
Hands off: if you have a habit of constantly touching your hair and fiddling with it, you really need to stop. If you don’t break this bad habit, you will spread grease, which means more washing and stripping your hair of oils. Also, you will cause friction, damaging and frizzing-up your hair.
Brushing: There is no reason for any brush to go near curly hair. A dense brush, regardless of its quality, will do nothing but rip your hair and frizz it. What you should be using is a comb with wide-spaced teeth and gently brush your hair while it’s still wet.
Be careful with heat
If you are constantly blow-drying your hair, you might be damaging it more than you think. Blow-drying means that your hair is getting stripped of moisture and oils, leaving it brittle. Try to only blow-dry when absolutely necessary and whenever you can, leave your hair to air-dry after gently patting it with a towel. If you are anything like me, you like to straighten your hair every once in a while, but I can’t even begin to tell you how much I damaged my hair by doing it all wrong. Now I use a top-quality GHD straightener and always apply heat-protection products. This way, I can have healthy hair without having to deal with the curls, especially during impossible summer weather. The same goes for when you are outside in the sun for a longer time – use a hat to protect your hair or try to stick to the shade.
Whether you love your soft waves or fight with frizzy curls, you and your hair are ultimately on the same side, so make sure you give it all the care it needs. Remember that no matter how much time you spend fixing up your ‘do, healthy hair will always look best.