Have you been burned by social media? Get featured in a national women’s magazine!
Hey Girls,
Featured “Career Girl” and amazing freelance writer Jessica Girdwain is looking to talk to people who have been burned because of something they posted on a social networking site like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or even a blog. She needs to talk to people for an article she is working on for a national women’s magazine.
-Did you miss out on being hired because of something you posted?
-Did you have to have a meeting with your manager becasue of it?
-Did your health insurance agent notice your partying habits?
-Did you miss out on a promotion or get fired because of your social networking activity?
-Are you afraid to accept your bosses friend request because your social networking profiles reveal your entrepreneurial ventures which you’d prefer to keep quiet?
I’ve actually been through something like this at my job. I’d rather not discuss it here, but it really shook me up.
My mentor just told me about one of his younger consultants who was fired recently because she was facebooking and blogging confidential information about the client they were working on. She was canned immediately.
Be careful and share your stories here and email jlgirdwain@gmail.com. Thanks!