Healthy Recovery Tips After Breast Augmentation – What You Should Know

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures today. Women sometimes desire bigger, firmer and fuller breasts. While a lot of them think about the effect solely, it’s the recovery process they should be focusing on. Here’s what you can expect after the procedure and what you should do to help a healthy recovery process.
Breast Augmentation Recovery Timeline
The healing process takes time and depends on several variables such as implant size, its placement, and type, pain tolerance as well as the individual body’s recovery response. All of these factors can impact the healing process; however, it typically takes about six weeks.
You should give your body enough time to heal and take good care of yourself after the operation. Here’s an outline of every recovery stage after breast augmentation.
After 24 hours
Right after the surgery you will feel tired and can expect moderate discomfort. Because you will also feel sore, your arms movement will be limited, so a little help moving around, preparing meals and dressing during the first few days can be very useful.
You might also experience nausea, swelling, and light bruising. Drinking alcohol, smoking, and taking blood-thinning medications are not recommended. Physical activity is not an option either.
After 2 to 10 days
Most women will still experience moderate pain, as well as swelling and bruising which can last for up to one month. You will most likely be able to drive again. After two days taking a shower will be fine too. Patients are also instructed to perform displacement exercises, which can prevent common complications.
After one week you will be able to go back to work; however, physical activity is still restricted, so avoid bending and lifting.
After 10 to 14 days
Performing regular daily activities will be much easier now. Light physical activity can also be resumed. Heavy lifting and intense cardio exercises are still off limits at this point. The pain will be lessened, if not gone completely.
After 2 to 3 weeks
Continue with the displacement exercises. You can go to the gym and do some lower body exercises, but you should still refrain from any upper body workouts at this point. That means squats are okay, push-ups are not.
After 4 to 6 weeks
After one month you will be able to see the first signs of the final effect of your breast augmentation. You will be able to resume your workout routine as well, although avoid chest exercises
Six weeks is usually the recovery completion time. The implants are fully-settled, and the pain is completely gone. When it comes to physical activity, you will be able to run and work out on your upper body with no limits.
After several months
Several months after breast augmentation you will be able to see if the procedure met your expectations. Scars will start to fade and after two years will become almost invisible, blending with your skin. After three months you will be able to resume heavy lifting.
Healthy Recovery Tips
Healthy recovery is crucial. If done well it can speed the recovery time and improve your comfort. Fortunately, modern medicine minimized the pain ensuring a relatively hassle-free recovery; nevertheless, certain precautions need to be taken into consideration. There’s a lot you can do to have a smooth and pleasant healing time.
- Help
Having someone to help you in the first few days is a relief. You will be forced to rely on another person as even simple everyday activities may feel extremely painful. Ideally, have someone stay with you for 2-3 days after the procedure to ensure the initial recovery stage is pleasant and stress-free.
- Diet
Breast augmentation surgeons from Seattle advise that it’s important to eat healthily and this means no fast food, fizzy drinks or sweets. Make sure you have enough light snacks right beside your bed. Bananas will be ideal in the first few days as they ease nausea. It’s also recommended to eat something before you take medications.
A healthy diet is one thing, but staying hydrated is crucial. It will help if you experience constipation, which is quite common after the surgery. Water will reduce the swelling as well. Avoid large bottles of water as you won’t be able to pick them up. Instead, use bendy straws and small cups you can reach without getting up.
- Clothing
In the first few weeks (4 to 6), you will be wearing a surgical bra. Your surgeon will instruct you on the proper clothing as well. Typically, it’s recommended to wear loose-fitting clothes. Your arms movement will be restricted in the first week or two so try to wear buttoned or zipped tops.
If you need to go out in cold weather make sure you wear extra breast pads as cold can intensify the pain in your chest. Alternatively, cover your breasts by crossing your arms, but try not to overstretch them.
- Hygiene
Avoid taking a bath in the first six weeks. You can, however, take a shallow one when you don’t submerge your upper body in water. It’s better to use a soap bar than a pump gel as a bar won’t cause pain to your chest muscles.
- Medications
You will be on certain medications in the first couple of days, or even weeks depending on your body’s healing time. It’s important to take your pills with food, or right after you’ve had it. Medications, if taken on an empty stomach can cause nausea and other unwanted side effects.
Make sure you place them in a pill planner as well. Opening containers can be painful. Tell your surgeon about the medications you take as certain ones have to be avoided after the procedure, i.e. blood-thinners.
- Sleeping & Resting
You should avoid sleeping flat on your back. It may feel unnatural at first, but an upright position is much better for the recovery process. Maintain this elevated position for up to six weeks. Avoid sleeping on your belly or sides too.
Equip yourself with a lot of pillows for comfort and support. It will stop the implants from shifting, which is crucial in the first stage of recovery as the tissues around them have not healed yet. Get lots of rest and sleep too.
- Free-time activities
It’s recommended to take at least a one-week leave from work. That gives you plenty of time after the surgery, so make sure you are not bored. Keep yourself busy with favorite books, crosswords, films or anything else you like as long as it doesn’t involve too much moving around.
Physical activity is not advised for at least four weeks after the procedure so you should limit any movement which makes your breast bounce. Massage them if your surgeon instructed so.
Whether you have just undergone the procedure or you’re still thinking about it, you should know that taking certain precautions to ensure a healthy recovery process is essential. Today’s medicine allows you to limit the side effects to a minimum, but breast augmentation is still a surgical procedure. Make sure you follow the tips to fully enjoy the after-recovery benefits.