How Do You Keep Yourself Healthy While Working Overseas?

When it comes to working abroad or making your new home in an entirely new country, keeping yourself healthy may be the farthest thing from your mind. After all, you’ve got a lot to worry about already, right? Even so, your health and well-being should always be one of your main priorities, if not at the forefront of your concerns – otherwise your overseas career may end more abruptly than you think. Here are some tips to keep yourself healthy while working overseas or moving abroad, besides getting expat medical insurance.
Get vaccinations.
Working in another country will always be an exciting change, but we have to remember that with a change of scenery also comes with the risk of being infected with serious diseases, especially when tropical countries are involved. As such it’s always a good idea to get vaccinations. Visit your doctor and ask about specific vaccinations that you can take, such as those that protect against malaria, hepatitis, and typhoid.
Hydrate regularly.
It’s very easy to forget about drinking water when you’re working, especially if your job involves manual labor. So if you’re going to be doing a lot of walking during your trip, make sure you hydrate regularly. Never go outside without a bottle of purified water or two in your bag, preferably purchased from a reputable convenience store as regular tap water may not agree with your constitution. Also, if you’re going to be working outside in hot weather, be sure to bring something along to protect you from the heat, such as a cap or an umbrella.
Watch what you eat.
One of the most exciting things to do when traveling or working abroad is sampling the local cuisine and delicacies, especially on your first few days in your new host country. There’s nothing wrong with being adventurous when it comes to food. In fact, it’s a great way to experience the culture. You just need to watch exactly what you’re eating and how the food itself is prepared. Otherwise, you may be looking at some gastrointestinal issues that could confine you to your hotel room or even in a hospital if you’re not careful. To prevent this, always eat at reputable and clean-looking restaurants and food outlets. Avoid street food at all costs, especially those that involve seafood or shellfish. Also, wash your hands before and after every meal.
Be sure to get enough rest.
When it comes to working abroad, it’s always tempting to work long hours just to get the job done. Not only do we end up impressing our bosses, but we also get paid extra in the process. However, always remember it’s not just your own personal time suffering for every hour of overtime. It can affect your health as well. For every day that you end up having little to no quality rest, the more stress and fatigue builds up in your system. And that could lead to all sorts of health problems. Always make sure you get an adequate amount of sleep, no matter what.
Make sure to pack enough sunscreen and mosquito repellent.
If your new job is somewhere sunny or tropical, then you’re sure to encounter not just hot, sunny weather. And likely a lot of biting mosquitoes. Avoid the painful sunburn as well as itchy mosquito bites by regularly applying sunscreen and mosquito ointment whenever you’re working outdoors. You’ll be able to concentrate on work without being burnt to a crisp or itching all over. And you’ll also be avoiding serious mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue fever.
Don’t let your overseas career suffer because of sickness or disease. By practicing these simple tips you’ll ensure your good health and well-being wherever you go.