How to choose what haircut matches your face

Have you ever walked into a salon with a celebrity photo on your phone to show your stylist the expected result for your hair? The chances of you actually looking anything like the celebrity are pretty slim to none and this is a problem if you’re wanting to shape your image to mirror theirs. Instead of jumping to the most popular style of the season, best practice is to figure out your face shape and how to shape your hair to best fall around your individually unique face.
Discovering the shape of your face requires more than just staring at a photo of yourself or standing in front of a mirror. You’ll need to pull your hair back, grab a rule, and then take it to the mirror. The guide below, from Salon Supply Direct, will walk you through how to correctly measure your face shape, but also how to choose the most flattering cut for each of the five shapes: oval, round, square, heart, and long.
The best part is, all of these shapes are just as beautiful as the next! Once you know your face shape, have fun with it. Play up your style with hair accessories or a fancy updo. There’s never a right or wrong way to do your hair, but this is a start to learning how certain features can be enhanced or downplayed with your lovely locks. The possibilities are endless, which is why we believe women really do have more fun.
Look at the infographic below for guidance, it might inspire you to step into a new you! Additionally, you can check out the full guide version of the infographic as well.