How to Kick Start Your Career Again

It happens to the best of us. We graduate college with a ton of ambition, secure a great job, and then end up wondering what went wrong. Perhaps our dream job turns into a nightmare, or we hit the glass ceiling a couple of years down the line. Whatever the reason, here are some tips to help you give your career a much-needed boost.
Look for a New Challenge
If your current job is no longer hitting the mark, take a good, hard look at the reasons why. Does your boss take you for granted? Are your skills under-utilized? Could you do the job in your sleep? The best way to tackle these problems is to see if you can shake things up a bit. Have a chat with your boss and explain that your job isn’t challenging enough. Ask for extra responsibilities, or a move to a different department, and if you don’t get the answer you are looking for, start putting feelers out for a new position with a company that appreciates your skills.
Go Back to College
Do not underestimate the value of education. Firstly, you can improve your current skill set by gaining an extra qualification. For example, if you are a teacher, you could study for an online doctor of education, as this will help you look for management positions. Alternatively, study for a qualification, e.g. a higher education leadership degree, which will enable you to move on to a completely different career path.
Take a Career Break
Are you guilty of working all hours, never taking time off, or worse still, taking time off and working through your vacation? If so, you are a prime candidate for career burnout and it’s a wonder you haven’t imploded yet. Sometimes, a proper break is what we need to find our mojo again, so instead of pushing vacation time to the bottom of the ‘to-do’ list, book a long break from the office and use the time away to think about what you want out of time. Alternatively, ask your boss for a career sabbatical and do something completely different for 6-months to a year. Some companies actively encourage this type of scheme, as long as you give them plenty of notice.
Become an Entrepreneur
When the novelty of working for someone else begins to wane, start looking at whether you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur. There are plenty of opportunities out there, from online stores to franchise businesses, so investigate your options and have a go. You can start a business from home and if it is successful, quit your job. What do you have to lose? If the idea of investing in a franchise appeals to you, there is a wide variety of franchise info available right at your fingertips to help you determine which industry you may want to invest in.
Stop Worrying
Instead of worrying about what your colleagues are up to, and whether their career trajectories are more successful than yours are, focus on your own job. It’s amazing how much more positive you will be when you stop envying other people.
Remember, to be successful, be your own advocate. If you don’t speak up for yourself, nobody else will do it on your behalf.
Image credits.
Main. Wanderer.