How To Make Your Home Office Just As Fun As You Are

Working from home has become the new normal in this pandemic. While it might sound fun and relaxing to work from home the reality is quite different. Due to a lack of a proper workspace and motivation, people tend to procrastinate more often than not. If you are facing the same problem then don’t worry we have got your back! In this post, we will tell you how you can make your home office more fun so that you procrastinate less and work more.
Add colour
If your home workspace is dull and boring it is time to add some colour to the walls. A dull workspace will demotivate you and force you to waste your time. On the contrary, a bright and colourful adhesive wallpaper design will help you keep cheerful and motivated. There are several ways through which you can add colour to your workspace. Some of the ideas are given below:
- Paint your walls with colours that will brighten up your mood.
- You can use home office wallpaper to brighten up the place
- Paste colourful pictures on the wall
Add greenery
Make your workspace more lively by adding a couple of plants. Plants can elevate the look and make your home office more cheerful and fun. Green plants help to keep you calm and focused. Plants such as snake plant, peace Lily and zz plant are perfect for indoor spaces. Besides these plants are natural air purifiers which are good for your health.
Personalise your home office
Give a personal touch to your home office to make it more fun and interesting just like you. You can add whatever you like. If you are interested in arts you can hang up some of your favourite paintings. If you are into photography you can add some of your favourite pictures to the wall. You can also print out whatever you want and simply mount it on your wall to make it interesting and fun.
Grid organisation
We know that it is difficult to organise and keep your desk clean when at home. An unorganised environment will demotivate and distract you while you’re working. A good way to deal with the desk cluster is to get a metal grid. You can easily hang this grid on your wall. It is a clever way to hang all your supplies such as folders, scissors and other tools on the wall and keep your desk neat and clean. Besides, an organisation grid will enhance the look of your workspace.
Desk accessories
Your desk doesn’t have to be filled with just a pen and paper. Adding accessories such as sticky notes, paperweight, paper clips, pen stand and much more. These tiny accessories will not only make your space more fun and colourful but will enhance your productivity.
Add Rugs
Another way of making your home office more fun and colourful is by adding colourful rugs to create an aesthetic and soothing look. You can match or contrast the rug with your space. If you are adding a rug make sure that your furniture is not too bulky. Keep your furniture light and sleek. There are a variety of rugs available these days from floral print to digital print. You can get something that reflects your personality. Remember that everything in your workspace should speak to your personality.
Let natural light in
Make sure there is plenty of natural light in your workspace. Natural light will not only make your workspace more spacious but also lively. Working in a low light environment makes it difficult to concentrate on work. Whereas a brightly lit room makes the space lively and creates a healthy working environment. You will feel like working in such an environment.
Focus on ergonomics
No matter how you set up your workspace, set it ergonomically. Make sure the height of your desk and chair is perfect for you or else you will experience body pain. Comfort is the key to say goodbye to procrastination. If you will not feel comfortable in your chair you will naturally not feel like working.
These tips will help you in making your home office as fun as you are. Add as many personal touches as possible. Just make sure to not overdo anything.