How to Up Your Game in Your Second Year of University

Your first year of university is great: you get to meet new people, you have your first experience of the loan instalment windfall, and enjoy more freedom than you may have ever done previously in your life. In the second year of university things get a little bit more serious. While you may think you worked hard in your opening year of your course, you are likely to find that there is a little more asked of you come September. However, that is not to say you cannot have fun and it is true when they say you get as much out of your university experience as you put in. Here are some tips on making the leap from first year productivity to second year progress.
Get the Right Accommodation
You may have been lucky with your first year accommodation or you may have been stuck with some sociopathic housemates who are not familiar with fairy liquid nor peace and quiet. Second year gives you the opportunity, now you are familiar with the city and people you are studying with, to choose a much more tailored set-up. Accommodation such as that provided by Urbanest offer convenience and luxury while you should try and organise with your friends viewings as soon as possible.
Join a Society
University is not only about getting the best grade as possible. While it is important to aim for that first class degree, you should look to get as much extra-curricular experience as possible. Joining a club or society will gain you skills and experience which will appeal to future employers and enable you to meet like-minded people.
Hang Out with the Right People
After your first year experience you will know which of the people you are studying with are your kind of people. You obviously want to connect with people and have a good time but it is important that your friends do not prioritise partying at the expense of study.
Make Contact with Employers
As the halfway house between school and work, university should be about easing you into the real world of life and employment. Making contact with companies where you see your future can happen as early as first year. Look to organise work placements in the holidays or simply email to say hello and ask for career advice.
Get into a Routine
Your first year of university can be a haze of late nights and missed mornings. Try and get into a regular routine of visiting the library, eating at social times and getting up for lectures in your second year and you will be much more productive.
Still Enjoy Yourself
Remember to make time to enjoy yourself. It can be easy to get bogged down in the stress of essay deadlines and forget that you are still young and experiencing the best years of your life.
Make the Most of your University City
A lot of people stay in the city they studied in and others prefer to return home or move where the best job is. Whichever you do, make sure you have made an informed decision by experiencing all the city has to offer.