Massage Therapy as your #SideHustle

Massage therapy is a very viable option as a side hustle. Is has flexibility for any work schedule, can be relaxing, fulfilling, and is a great income source. It also can turn into a very rewarding career. Massage therapy also has many different options other than just a salon. For those interested in exploring more exotic forms of this art, learning how to give a full body tantric massage can offer a unique and deeply satisfying service to clients seeking holistic and intimate healing.
Side hustles can be tricky, and choosing the right one for you is just as hard. If you want to heal others, and make a difference in the world around you, then massage therapy may be the right choice for you. Massage therapy is a very fulfilling profession and can lead to great client relationships. It can also lead to a very healthy lifestyle, which is a great side benefit!

The flexibility of massage therapy is the best! You can choose which hours you want to work. Do you want to work evenings around your 9-5 job? Maybe you work nights, and you want to only work on Sundays- that’s ok too! That is the beauty of massage therapy: you can choose when and how much you want to work.
Another great perk is that you can choose your modality. Want to work in a traditional salon, doing Swedish massage, or deep tissue- perfect! Maybe you have a passion for sports? There is a huge need for sports massage therapists that work closely with physical therapists during rehabilitation. Maybe you don’t want to work on humans. Equestrian massage is a huge market, or even massage for cats and dogs! There are many areas within massage therapy to specialize in!

Getting Started
Getting started in massage therapy is easy. Reach out to your state licensing board to see what your requirements are. Most states require some sort of program completion. For example, in Arizona that would be AZBMT, where the requirements for licensing is 700 hours of schooling from a NCBTMB approved school. Also, there is a state test and state licensing as well.
Choosing a School
When looking at schools, you want to make sure you choose a school that teaches the modality that appeals to you. A school like Fortis provide many modalities and give students opportunities to explore options. It is vital you look at the schools in your area to make sure they offer you a variety of modalities to fit your needs.
Time to Fly
Massage therapy can provide you a very flexible lucrative side hustle. The best part is as your clientele builds, you can make the decision if you want it to continue to be side hustle, or turn it into a career. You can also have the option to work independently and be your own boss, or you can always work at a salon and not have to worry about the overhead. With all the flexibility, options, and freedom that come with massage therapy- it really is the optimal side hustle!