Open Your Mind for New Career Opportunities

Any change, and career makeover is no different, requires identifying and pursuing career opportunities that are a good match for your interests, skills, and circumstances. The problem is that our “common wisdom” education and set of values often narrow down the spectrum of opportunities we are able to identify.
Listen up: opportunities are all around you, all of the time. So you need to be continually watching out for them.
Sure a career makeover requires a strategic approach, but before digging into the real substance with a guide on how to achieve your goals, I need you to close your eyes and let go of all limitation.
Lock the little weasel in a concrete box and drop it in a lake, mafia-style, and while you’re at it, ask yourself these questions:
What Would You Do If There Were No Constraints?
Imagine a world where money doesn’t matter, no debts to pay, there’s no need for work visas, special qualifications, degrees, and any of the other things which can hold you back from achieving your dream. I know it’s a hard pill to swallow, but just imagine no restriction in the world applies to you.
With this newfound power, what are you drawn to? What are the things you desire in your dream lifestyle? What is the ideal job in the ideal location? How would you spend your time? What sort of impact would you like to create?
Now Embrace It.
Here’s the thing about being a Ms. Career Girl kind of gal – the typical rules of a typical lifestyle don’t apply to you. I’m sure you’ve accomplished quiet o few things that would be considered “taboo” or “crazy” in your grandma days… have you traveled the world? Spent the entire night on the beach? Changed your college major 3 times because you wanted to follow your passions?
So if you have broken out of the comfort zone once, I’m sure you have it in you to do it again. Rather than seeing a career makeover as a terror, see it as an opportunity – just like trying something new and exciting. You have the unique gift to pause, regroup, and reevaluate what you want, how you want it, and how to achieve it.
Make a List!
I’m a huge lists person. Lists are vital for keeping track of things, evaluating their value, rethinking details, and reminding yourself for the future.
So here’s your home-work for today: write down 100 things (yes, you heard me; 100 things!) you’d like to do if there were no limitations. Open your mind to off-beat, intriguing career opportunities; embrace the unknown and power of change.
100 is big number to pursue, but at least now you have a varied list of desires to start from and narrow it down to actionable goals.
Career Opportunities Are Where You Create Them
By determining this, you can hone your career goal to match up with your other goals, creating not only a fantastic makeover, but a fantastic year!