Overcoming insecurities and achieving new year resolutions

Each year, millions of people make their new year’s resolutions to feel better about themselves. The first promise they usually make is to get in better shape. They promise themselves that they will sign up to the gym and go regularly to get the sexy athletic body that they desire. But all too often, we see people fall off the bandwagon and their dreams are never accomplished. They hope that they could overcome their physical limitations that contribute to their personal insecurities. And then the cycle repeats again with the person saying “This year, I will get in shape and sign up at the gym for a year.” Sounds all too familiar right? But there are a variety of ways to overcome your personal insecurities. Below are a few ways to overcome those insecurities and help you become a better person.
Be proud of how you look like on the outside!
Whether you choose to admit it or not, your physique will help you with your confidence. The more confident you are in your physique, the less you worry about it as a limitation and this confidence radiates in other areas of your life. This doesn’t mean you need to become Mr Olympia. It does mean that you need to achieve a physical look that will allow you to be happy and radiate with confidence! You can achieve this with a good diet, nutrition and exercise plan. Follow a plan that incorporates cardio training and resistance weights. The results may start to show in as little as three months. With dedicated training, you could achieve an amazing body transformation over 12 to 24 months. Alternatively, you could turn to liposuction treatments that will offer you a quicker solution with removing the fat cells within your body. It is becoming more socially acceptable for men to turn to liposuction treatments to transform their bodies that in turn, boost their confidence!
Have a great smile!
A smile brightens up the room and is infectious. It is easy to smile, but to smile brightly means the person needs to have confidence in their teeth. This can be an easy treatment by ensuring that you brush and floss regularly and that you take steps to make your teeth whiter. Visit your dentist to get them to clean your teeth and to further improve your smile. If you feel like your teeth are quite bad, you can undergo cosmetic treatments to give yourself a great smile.
Be proud of your character on the inside.
It is amazing how the mind can play tricks on us. The mind often puts doubt into our minds about situations. We set limits on ourselves because we doubt our character traits and we focus on our imperfections rather than the things that make us perfect. To overcome your own insecurity, you need to be proud of the person you are and to live life without regret. Live life according to your own expectations and not the expectations of you by others. If you have a loud voice, be loud and proud. If you like to dance, then go and dance and express yourself. Don’t be held by the chains that bind. Go out there and break free of the limitations and be the person you always wanted to be.
Overcome anxiety by letting go
One of the biggest issues we all face is the problem with anxiety. It affects us so much that we actually do get anxiety attacks that cause us to panic. Some of the reasons we have these attacks is because we rely too much on the expectations and dependence of others that leads us to worry too much. We must let go! Achieve this by living in the moment and pursuing a life of spontaneity rather than the dependence on a future outcome. Furthermore, don’t limit yourself to one specific outcome when the outcome can provide so many more opportunities.
Keep your mood positive
Make sure to go out with a sense of optimism and whatever you do, be positive about it. Flash your smile all of the time. You will notice that people will start behaving more positively around you and that you will draw positive attention. If it is difficult to do, fake a smile until it becomes second nature to you. People love to be around positive and fun people. Your presence will become infectious. Create your own positive mood by listening to your favourite songs and doing activities that you enjoy.
Be around who you want to be.
Being around a good network of people is important. Good people make you feel awesome about your life. Others will try to bring you down. Cull the bad people and keep the good people close. You will feel better and enjoy life a lot more.
These are a few things that you can do to enhance your life experience and overcome your insecurities. So fulfill your new year’s resolution by taking action!