what makes a good investment

What Makes a Good Investment?

More than half of American families own publicly traded stock. Most have indirect ownership through a mutual fund, retirement plan or index fund, while others own shares directly. However they invest, these households understand...

career change

Preparing for a Career Change

Making a career change is not an easy decision. Whether you have recently graduated from university and fell into a job that doesn’t quite fulfil your passions or skills or perhaps you have been...

Stimulating Interest in STEM for Girls

Technology is advancing every day, so careers in technology have only been expanding and driving the need for more applicants in this field.  STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) is future oriented. More...

Who Am I Without My Profession?

Without my profession; I am a woman, friend, mother, giver, learner, teacher, and Christian. It took some time for me to remember that I am all of those things and more after the loss...

Why Is Everyone So Angry?

Note from Ms Career Girl editor: These days, America is more of a stewing pot than a melting pot. Elaine Parke’s TheHabits of Unity provides the “mental nutrition” to help us defuse the anger that’s keeping...