Picking the Ideal Lighting for Your Home Office

Lighting has a huge influence on the look and feel of your home, whichever room it’s installed in. But the lighting you choose becomes even more crucial when you’re considering functional, working spaces like your home office. Badly lit areas may have an impact on your mood and productivity, perhaps even causing you to strain your eyes. So with that in mind, here are some ideas for home office lighting:
Utilize Natural Light
While natural light may be a bit of a nightmare when you’re looking at a computer screen, your creativity is aided when you let as much of this in the room as possible. Blinds are great for avoiding any glare on your screens as you can adjust them accordingly, and you can also move your desk so the sun’s rays can flow in without affecting your screen.
Introduce Ambient Lighting
Struggling for natural light in your office? Then you’ll need to emulate this same feel with your artificial lighting, ensuring you’ve got enough lighting for each task you’re going to do.
Ambient lighting often comes from ceiling lights – i.e. one central light that hangs down in the middle of your room. This should light up the entire space so there aren’t any dark shadows or bright areas.
Cox & Cox, for example, have some fabulous ceiling lights that will also add an inspirational touch to your office.
Lampshades help soften the glare of the light if you don’t need to work directly underneath it.
Add Task Lighting
Last but by no means least, you’ll need some task lighting that’ll help you get those daily tasks done with ease. It doesn’t matter what you do for a living, whether you’re writing the next best-selling self-help book or you’re sketching a masterpiece, you’ll need ample illumination from task lighting.
Thankfully, you won’t struggle to find these types of lights either. And because they’re also available in a range of designs, from contemporary to traditional, you’ll be able to complement your ceiling light and office space beautifully – adding further inspirational touches to your workspace.
Consider focused illumination if your job requires good lighting, or dimmer options if you need to vary the amount of light on your work.
Task lighting also helps reduce the strain on your eyes, particularly toward the end of the day, which is why it’s just as imperative as your ceiling light.
Often, it can take a bit of trial and error (moving lights around, trying different bulbs etc.), but you should find with the above handy trips that your office becomes a warm, inviting and creative well-lit space in no time at all.