The Ten Best Professions For Introverts

The following is a guest post by Nelma Lumme. Her bio follows.
As an introvert, you might be looking for solitary work that allows you to recharge your social batteries and give you a sense of personal haven. Introverts don’t like to stand out and usually look for less crowded and quieter working and living environment.
However, being quiet and standing by the side means that they can spot more details and choose their words and interactions carefully. Here are some of the best professions for introverts, that have potential for earning a good living.
Freelance jobs
The most obvious contenders on the list are freelance work positions that allow introverts to work online. Whether it’s design, accounting, data analysis, writing, or even an online secretary position – introverts can easily find themselves in these roles.
The reason for this is because they allow people to have a calm, safe and peaceful environment surrounding them while they do their jobs. They don’t have to leave the house and go to work – their work is always waiting for them online. Some of the best platforms on the web such as Upwork allow people to find whatever job description might make them feel whole as a person and help them earn a decent living.
Graphic designer
Graphic design has been around for a long time and it represents the visual shaping of an idea, objectifying its form in the real world. Introverts often opt for becoming professional graphic designers because it allows them to develop their creativity and tell the world how they really feel inside.
Graphic design work is usually done from home and takes only minimal human contact outside of the work that a person is doing on their computer or a workstation. This, however, depends on a person’s involvement in a project and can vastly vary depending on the type of employment. Regardless of that fact, graphic design is one of the most popular professions among introverts and it continues to be just that thanks to the development of cloud technology and fast online data transfer.
Night shift jobs
While also known as the “graveyard shift”, night shift jobs are very popular among solitary people looking for some peace and quiet. These jobs range from security guard posts, dinner servicing positions or even phone operator positions.
Whatever type of work is involved is completely secondary – the main point is that night is the time of day that everyone else uses for rest and sleep. That means that there are far fewer people going about and disturbing a peaceful environment that introverts are looking for. While other people might stray away from these jobs, introverts will wholeheartedly accept night shift positions as it allows them a solitary position which they love to inhabit every now and then.
Writing has evolved from its classical roots and became something much more extraordinary. While works of Dostoevsky, Proust, and Kafka are very influential even today, writing has taken the form of blog writing, article writing, or even freeform writing for personal pleasure. These are all perfect positions for introverts to find themselves in and express what they feel and think inside. While blogging takes a while to get going as a profession, introverts usually start off as small article writers and work for outside sources in order to gain revenue.
Writers and freelancers today are known for using professional platforms to help them write the best possible content they can. On the top websites page many people around the world are able to put out quality content at a much faster rate than they usually would. Writing can be a very lucrative profession for introverts as it allows them to work whenever and wherever they feel like – a very important trait for many shy and reserved people.
Social media manager
Managing social media for a company or a small firm is exactly what an introvert dreams of. This type of job offers people the possibility of learning new skills about marketing, online advertisement and social media management as a whole.
Introverts love this sort of work because it makes them feel involved and they participate in every online interaction of a certain page and its followers. They can often comment, share and even communicate with the followers of a certain page without revealing their true identity – a much sought after working demand with many introverts.
Long-haul driver
This is a perfect position for people who love the open road and don’t mind staying away from home for extended periods of time. Many introverted people opt for becoming drivers of trucks and large rigs that allow them to stay in their cabin for weeks at a time without many human interactions along the way.
Today’s modern truck cabins are comfortable and well equipped and it makes it easy to stay alone for a longer period without missing out on anything. While it does require a certain degree of compromise on the introverts’ side regarding the open nature of driving a truck across the continent, this is one of the most engaging positions an introvert can find themselves in.
One of the most popular professions that many introverts take up is programming. It allows people to stay out of touch with the world for a much more extended period of time working out the kinks in their code and developing useful applications.
Programmers are very highly paid in today’s modern world due to the fact that being one is not an easy task. Learning about the programming languages and latest trends in the market is a very difficult task that many people fail to grasp in the beginning. Regardless of that, programming is still one of the best solutions for a profession for many introverts looking for an above decent living.
Being an introvert can’t be easy – especially when you have to start thinking like an adult and actually decide what your professions are going to be. With that said, there are a plethora of available positions made just for introverts and they are irreplaceable in these jobs.
Finding out what works for you is a matter of personal choice and a life you want to live tomorrow. Many of these jobs will set you free as a person and help you overcome shyness and loneliness, making you more functional in the society in the progress. Choose for yourself and think about the future, the rest is out of your hands.
About The Author
Nelma Lumme is freelance blogger from Chicago, IL. Her hobbies are cinema, jogging, psychology and blogging about business, education, self-improvement and psychology.
A photo is on attachment.