167 Search results

For the term "anxiety depression".
symptoms of depressio teen depression

Teen Depression: These Treatment Methods Can Help

Teenagers are especially vulnerable during adolescence, where their behavior may become erratic and concerning, proving difficult for parents to handle. Depression is a complex mental health issue to navigate and requires individualized treatment.  Despite...

Single and Alone: The Season of Depression

For many people, the holiday season is a time of joy and happiness. But for some, it’s just a reminder of how alone they are. They dread this time of year because of all...


When Should You Get Help for Anxiety?

Are you familiar with the feeling of a sudden heavy weight on your chest and the sense of urgency becoming overwhelming? You aren’t alone. Women are twice as likely to suffer from anxiety, but...

stressed out

Ten Tips to Help You Cope With Anxiety

During multiple periods in your life, you’ll feel your heart racing when facing a stressful situation. You might also witness your palms get sweaty when dealing with a difficult situation. When that happens, you’re dealing...