1134 Search results

For the term "guest post".

Creating Your Own Brand Image

I believe in both miracles and destiny, but in the end, we make our own reality.  Creating a memorable brand image doesn’t happen just by deciding it’s a good idea. There’s a lot of...

how work is valued

Shifting Thoughts on How Work Is Valued

In 2018’s business climate, most companies don’t actively promote the idea that men are better suited for some jobs and women for others. The idea of “women’s work” has faded, if not from everyone’s...

home office lighting

Six Tips For Working From Home

In today’s mobile world, nearly 50% of Americans say they spend at least some time working from home or working remotely. While working from the comfort of your own haven may sound cush, it’s...

Managing Gossip and Bullying In The Office

It’s a sad fact that bullying doesn’t go away once you’re out of high school. According to a survey from the Workplace Bullying Institute, 60.4% of American were affected by workplace bullying. (2017 Workplace...