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For the term "linkedin".
startup pitch

How to Make the Perfect Startup Pitch

By Brian Neese The perfect startup pitch helps entrepreneurs separate their companies from a growing amount of competition. Startup activity in the United States increased in 2016, continuing an upward trend that began in...

Why College Athletes Tend To Make Great Employees

If you are responsible for recruiting for your business, you may have a standard approach to filtering through applicant. Some recruiters use scoring systems amongst other methods, meaning prospective employees can get overlooked. This...

effective networking. And why it's important.

Five Top Tips For Effective Networking

  Networking events can be intimidating, and are often viewed as competitive environments where an assortment of strangers work to assert their vying levels of success and charisma. For those who frequently attend such events,...

The 8 Worst Types of Colleagues

It doesn’t matter where you work or what you do for a job, annoying colleagues are part and parcel of working life. But while anyone can grate on you after 40 hours a week...

business card business cards

Why Every Woman Needs Business Cards

If you’re a career woman on the move, your purse should be full of business cards. No exceptions. And if you don’t have a stack of personal business cards at your disposal, do yourself...

side jobs side gig side hustle sidehustle #sidehustle

Tips For Launching Your #SideHustle

 As a career coach/writer/entrepreneur who started a business with less than nothing in 2008, and today has coached people around the world, and in the Obama White House, I’m passionate about the life-changing effects...