Seven Tips To Give Your Career a Jumpstart

If you’re trying to figure out how to navigate the workplace and give your career a jumpstart, you’re in luck. Get comfortable, grab a cup of coffee, and get ready to take some notes.
Confidence is key
According to research, women are less inclined to promote themselves than men are. That means their male counterparts assert their opinions and ideas more often. Feeling confident enough to speak up for yourself is very important if you want to climb the corporate ladder. Don’t be afraid to speak up and let people know you have good ideas too.
Don’t allow someone to bully you
The sad reality is there are often bullies in the workplace. These negative people can cause a great deal of anxiety, especially if they’re in a position of power. It’s critical that you shut it down right away if they try to bully you.
Do not allow someone to walk all over you at your workplace, and don’t be afraid to file a complaint. Often these people are only able to thrive because nobody speaks up. You are not someone’s punching bag.
Create a plan
Remember when you were in grade school and your teachers would make you write an outline before you started on a paper? Do that for your career. Set goals for yourself and create a timeline.
Just be sure your plan is realistic. Don’t say your end goal is to be head of the surgical floor in the hospital if you have a degree in criminal justice. The chances of that happening are pretty slim.
Go for that promotion
Did a promotion open up and you think you’d be good at that job? Let your supervisor know that you’re interested in it. The worst thing that can happen is you stay in the same position you’re in now.
Keep your resume up to date
There’s nothing worse than missing out on an opportunity because your resume is either not up to date or you don’t have one. You always want to have an updated resume on hand to send out. You should personalize your cover letter for each company, but you can still have a basic template for that as well.
Network, network, network
If we had to give you one tip that’s more beneficial than the others, it would have to be networking. You’ve heard the saying, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” Truer words have never been spoken.
With that in mind, go out for drinks with your colleagues. Attend conferences and try to get to know as many people in your industry as you can. You can even hold your own event. Talk to a local restaurant and see if they would be willing to let you use some extra dining space to hold a weekly or monthly get together. You can set up an information station with a simple tablet stand and different companies or entrepreneurs can be featured here each week.
Be willing to move
If at all possible, let your employer (or future employers) know you are willing to move to another city or state. You might have better opportunities somewhere else.
Yes, women have to work harder but that doesn’t mean they have to settle. Your persistence will pay off in the end, even if you’re frustrated in the short term.