Soccer and singing sand dunes in Qatar

You’re into exotic vacation destinations but maybe your husband or boyfriend is not, preferring instead to fanatically follow the local soccer team. So what to do, think in terms of some amicable divorce at some point in the near future? Or do you think smart and combine the two? It’s not as uncommon a problem amongst couples as you might at first think.
Admittedly, soccer widows, as they’re often dubbed by the media, are more likely to be found overseas and not so much in the United States. Only they’re called football widows – soccer and football, different names for the same sport. And in the States, of course, soccer is not as popular a game when compared to Europe, so the problem is not as acute here as it is there. At least as far as soccer is concerned.
So how much do you know about the Persian Gulf state of Qatar? Sound exotic enough for a vacation? You betcha! Millions of people from all over the world visit this little peninsular state which shares a border with its giant neighbour, Saudi Arabia. And they delightfully discover a mix of the old and new, 21st century shopping mall and traditional souq, where the ubiquitous credit card and personal banking in Qatar clash head on with the cash-is-king mentality so prevalent all across the whole of the Middle East region.
So where does soccer and old Arabia fit into all of this? Easy, the FIFA World Cup competition which Qatar is due to host in 2022. Plenty of time to make sure the bank balance is in order so you’ll have a vacation to remember. After all, you’ll also be visiting, arguably, the richest country in the world, where oil and gas wealth is generated like it’s going out of fashion. Yes, kidding, but not by much.
Now, if your other half has been tuning into developments then he’ll be aware just how hot Qatar summers can be. Sizzling would be a better description and the sorts of temperatures where playing football flat-out could be injurious to health. At least that’s the feeling in many quarters. It’s been so for many months now and suggestions have been gathering pace to hold the competition later on in the year when the weather is comparatively cooler.
But maybe you’re already ahead of the curve and not thinking so far ahead. After all, Brazil is to stage the 2014 World Cup competition; and then there’s Russia in 2018. Both countries could certainly be tagged as exotic. Or maybe not. Old Arabia has a rather more romantic ring to it, don’t you think?
They certainly don’t have singing sand dunes! A good spot to hear them is in the desert about 25 miles south-west of Doha, the capital of Qatar. According to the Qatar Tourism Authority (QTA), there are certain conditions in which the movement of sand grains can create a low murmur or ‘singing’ – a phenomenon often reported by desert explorers.
The QTA adds, “Qatar is fortunate in having sand with the right abrasive qualities in an area that also experiences the necessary wind and moisture conditions to create this wonderful, if weird effect. While the singing occurs naturally, it can be triggered by sliding down the face of the dune or running along its crest, whereupon each footstep creates a humming that can not only be heard but also felt as a vibration through the feet.”
It doesn’t get any more exotic, soccer and singing sand dunes! Unless you know different. Check out the QTA website here.